Irenethirteen Member


  • Oddly I just mentioned this in another post. I have the habit of eating (continually) and need to work on this. I have successfully controlled my carb habit. But I never get this satiety feeling as I am always grazing. I need to really focus on my body signals and what causes me to also want to graze. I need to seriously…
  • this is very brave of you to post this and I am very thankful that you have. Its something I have been very scared to mention on some other groups etc. I have an eating disorder, or at least thats what I would term it. Similar to some above I would binge on biscuits and sweets when in the car on long drives (3 to 5hrs) and…
  • Try adding a soluble fibre into your shake and also add in a bit extra water to the shake (so that it is still tasty and drinkable). Good for you doing another tough mudder that's excellent. :)
  • I am back - once again - after having stopped working at it. So back at the gym and watching what i eat. :)
  • Hi, I am from north fife area. I have been yo yo dieting for years but seriously committed this time and I want to get extremely fit again :) Cheers and hi to everyone in Scotland :)
  • But your ticker says that you have lost weight, which is excellent and means that you have done something right somewhere. :happy: Could it be that you need to try and boost your metabolic rate a bit? How much activity do you do during a normal day? I find if I keep my body active, it keeps my mind active, and helps a lot…