July121980 Member


  • I hope so. A number of years ago, I saw an overweight woman try to ride on Batman and was told she had to leave the ride due to her size and people laughed, snickered and pointed. No joke. I was mortified for her.
  • I weigh on Mondays for this site and Saturdays for another site I use. I like that I have a weight on the weekends since that is usually when temptation gets the best of me. I like weighing in on Mondays too because that gives me a good perspective for the week. I always weigh in the morning right away and always naked. I…
  • I am happily married and have male friends outside of the online realm. I have never seemed to have an issue with just being friends with someone. I don't have any male friends on here because I guess I am not on here enough to have befriended any males. I am not opposed to it. I think it is wonderful to be able to have…
  • I think in your pic you look like Jillian Michaels! Either way you are super pretty!
  • I have never been told that I look like anyone famous.
  • I cut out salt. Meaning I add salt to nothing. That used to be a huge issue for me. I know that has nothing to do with calories but it does retain water weight. I have stopped drinking regular soda. I only drink milk, tea, black coffee, water and on occassion a zero calorie soda ( like if we are out to eat - rare....and…
  • You know I think I saw that magazine article. LOL :drinker:
  • Thank the heavens for this post. I had no idea I was doing it wrong either by drinking black coffee and eatting a banana. Gosh, now that I know that is wrong I am just gonna have to drink Mountain Dew and eat snickers in the morning. Phew! This healthy eatting just got easier. No wonder I only lost 3 pounds last week....I…
  • Criminal Minds Grimm Breaking Bad
  • Sophie Stuckey@woman in black
  • (wasnt fast enough)
  • Vince Vaughn
  • You look amazing! I don't know you but I can't help but be proud of your accomplishments! Look at you!!!! Wow. Absolutely stunning results!
  • I have not fallen off track but.....I just got here about 10 days ago. Yes, I have a family, pets, college and a billion other things to do everyday but..... I get up every morning and do some sort of exercise and sometimes again with my daughter and husband after school and work. I do this because I want to like the whole…
  • 1. I like being home by myself during the week while my husband is at work and daughter is at school. It messes up my routine when one of them are home. 2. A bit of my desire to lose weight is because I want to look as good naked as I did when I met my husband 12 years ago! 3. This one is really low......I want to wear…
  • I have been going over mine too because I read that protein helps heal and strengthen your muscles after exercise. I choose the same types of protein as you, chicken, fish, yogurt, low carb protein shakes and no fat dairy. I think that carbs are important so I won't eliminate them but I think that it is good for your body…
  • I am not sure but I was wondering if your body might be storing more because of breast feeding. How many calories a day does your doctor want you to be eating. I am just speculating that if you are breastfeeding even once a day, you may need to eat a few more calories in order to not go into starvation mode. Your body…
  • I am not sure if it is healthy or not but I cannot eat and then work out. I get sick to my stomach. I drink some water, workout and then after about 20 minutes after the work out I eat a protein filled breakfast. I hope this helps you.
  • This is a great post. I was just wondering this myself. I don't know if I am doing this right but this is what I am doing. I drink water before I exercise in the morning. I drop my daughter off at school and immediately go run/walking for about 30-45 minutes. Then by the time I get home I am hungary but it has been about…
  • My husband is super supportive. He would eat cardboard if that was what I wanted for dinner. I love pizza and wings. I won't ever give them up. I think that I will just have smaller portions of them and will most likely feel full anyways since I have felt stuffed after cutting down my calories now. Thank you for the advice.
  • Well, I appreciate all your advice and after talking to my mom I have decided that I am not giving up what I like and I will log it the best I can. She said to estimate it higher and to enjoy that one meal a week so that I dont feel deprived and binge.
  • Those of you who have a cheat meal or day....do you record your food?
  • I was doing some reading online that says if you could actually keep your metabolism guessing by encorporating a cheat day or meal into your diet. It tells your body to keep guessing.
  • If you are drinking your coffee black then it has zero calories. It is also using water to be brewed so you can count your coffee as water intake. If you are using sugar or sugar substitutes then that should be recorded along with any creamer you use. It is probably very minimal calories. Now this is what I know about mass…
  • Oh I will update photos as soon as their is a change! As embarrassing as a before photo is; I plan to use it as a reminder to myself of what I do not want to look like again. I hope to look much different in a few months. I am just power walking right now and eatting healthier portioned food. I am also consuming much more…
  • Thank you very much for helping me!
  • Ok I am going to try and post another picture. This is the front view. AHHH. Posting pictures that are by far not flattering in anyway shape or form is very humbling....to say the least.
  • Ok so just the IMG is lower case? I can do that.
  • Thank you for posting your story. It made me really think about how I am in a similar situation. I have starved myself and yes lost weight but then gained it back. I did this out of desperation. I am losing weight for me to feel good and I need to feel good doing it. I have gotten it into my head that I need to eat in…