My Idea Of A Cheat Meal

Ok so I posted is it ok to have a cheat day yesterday. I got some responses that were helpful. I also asked if those of you that have a cheat day do you record the food. I ask because my idea of a cheat meal is having pizza and wings from two local restaurants and they do not any calorie sheets there. They are not a chain so there is not a way to look up what I eat. Its my two favorite foods on earth and I really don't want to give up being able to indulge in those. But I know that one or two squares of pizza is not likely to happen and I will eat about 6 wings for sure. I plan to do this on date nights. Some weeks my husband and I have no kids for a night and then sometimes we go weeks with no breaks from kids. Other times Grandma seems to want our kid once a weekend. I dont know what do you think. Should I guess high on that one meal? Not record it? Eat really well and modest during that day and have a hard work out to balance it? Suggestions.


  • amandacochran15
    amandacochran15 Posts: 105 Member
    Most wings and pizza will have similar information. I say log it. Look for "Generic- whatever type pizza" or wings. It still will give yu estimates of what you're eating. be honest with yourself and log it. I believe in days of spiking calories. So enjoy it. Then get back on track. I aven't given up anything yet. I just plan for it in my diary or eat in moderation. I believe that's the key to long term success. Pick something that you can do forever :)
  • Personally.... and you won't like this response, BUT..... maybe redefine your idea of a date night. Is your husband supportive of your goals? Use that time away from the kids, to try NEW healthier restaurants. One of my favorite things is finding new cool places to eat.

    If not, if you want the pizza and wings, I would just say screw that day. That's just me. I wouldn't log anything. Start over the following day.
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I would find a meal that is the closest to what you had, don't lie to yourself and put the lowest calorie, lowest carb meal you can find, find something that is medium to high considering it's something that's quite unhealthy.

    You could try doing a ton of cardio on the day your going out to eat if you plan on eating pizza and such. Like yesterday for instance, I went to Frankies and Benny's for Lunch, I chose meals from the Lighter Options Menu, I had Spag Bol which was 350kcal and then I had a Chocolate Pancake which was 200kcal. It tasted great and I felt quite full. I had been walking around for over an hour and I was carrying 18kg of weights for about 10 minutes which was killing my arms and shoulders, can still feel it today and I burnt quite a bit. I then went on a bike ride for almost an hour on the late afternoon and burnt a bit more. I did have some sweets though so I am glad I did the cardio lol.

    So just try and get in some cardio before you go out or do a bit more the following day.
  • cbh142
    cbh142 Posts: 270 Member
    I agree. Look up info to get a general idea of what you ate and log it. It will keep you accountable, and it could be an eye opener. Some foods I used to eat all the time are absolutely insanely bad for you and I never thought it was that bad. I'm not saying don't have a cheat meal here and there, my hubby and I plan cheat meals sometimes. When you do plan for a cheat meal I do eat less the rest of the day.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I agree w/ the find similair and log. And the do some cardio to make some room for calories. This has worked well for me, I've had plenty of meals that were way high in cal and b/t eating lower cal breakfast and lunches, doing a bit of exercise, they usually fit. I have also had days where I go over. Such as 2 nights ago when I ate 4 slices of pizza. Oops :) Just as an example, if we are going out for supper I have a packet of 100 cal oatmeal for breakfast-keeps me full, soup for lunch, and a healthy snack somewhere after lunch, and get a good 30 minutes of cardio in.
  • 600racer
    600racer Posts: 149 Member
    Anything my mama wants to cook!
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Personally, I still like to log things so I can see a pattern. I tend to just write "cheat day" in the notes or "taking day off" or whatever, just so I see how often these occur, how I feel those days, are they a behavioral pattern (i.e. I'm good for 2 weeks then have a massive blowout).

    If you plan on having these, you can just up your exercise that week or lower your caloric intake earlier in the week to compensate. I don't believe in cutting things out and if you want to do it, do it. Just make the correct modifications to adjust for those days. :)
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 558 Member
    I'd just enter pizza and wings usually there's a generic or choose a chain restaurant just so you can log it. I like to log everything just so that I know. Doing that I learnt that I can fit pizza in my regular diet if I have a salad with it. Also that way you can also look back and see a pattern it you are having trouble later.

    I agree with petitrun I don't cheat, I just exercise harder to fit in whatever splurge I want :-)
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    I log most of my splurge days, though I have skipped I think 2 just due to how much of a pain they would be. One was when I finally got to go to Bonefish Grill for dinner and I didn't want to limit my choices since it is a twice a year sort of thing. The other was Superbowl Sunday where I did have healthier options, but the situation was just more difficult to keep track and log. I noted them on my log and then just went on with my next day.

    Saturday's are usually my splurge days because we almost always eat at least one meal out. Usually we will pick a restaurant that I know I can get a healthier meal at (Fatz has a wonderful light menu and I love the Dijon Chicken and Mushrooms at Chedder's), but sometimes I don't worry about it. Last Saturday I had a Chicago Style Hot Dog and Cheese Fries from a little place around here (Red Hots... Yum!). I also don't work out on Saturday's due to just how my day lays out usually.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I think we all need a night of getting away from logging and counting calories. I would say go out, eat and enjoy your self and pick it back up the next day. If you are staying on track for 6 days - one day shouldn't break your diet.
  • I absolutely love hot wings and found a great way to have them low fat recently even before I started dieting again. I received a smoker (bbq pit) as a Father's Day present last year and it's become my new hobby (obsession) to say the least. The thing I like about it is if you hold back on the sauces (sugars) you can eat Que pretty lean.

    Anyway, back to my original point. I got this recipe from a friend I consider my BBQ mentor. Smoked hot wings: Purchase the pre-cut or if you like extra work cut up whole wings yourself and save a little money and purchase the 1gl Frank's Red Hot at Costco or Sams. Marinate wings overnight in sauce and apply a dry rub consisting of salt, pepper, garlic powder, and a touch of Cayenne to taste and heat tolerance. Smoke at 220 for 1-2 hrs. Watch for doneness after 1hr, you don't want them to dry out too much.

    If you've never had smoked wings before you're in for a treat. The smoking process actually makes the meat absorb the sauce rather than just basting in it. They're great plain, and you can use a plethora of different hot sauces to play with for extra heat as you eat. I actually like them better than fried now. Hot sauce is very low calorie and you don't have to add the butter like when you fry. I know it's a setup and have to own a smoker, however google the Alton Brown Flower Pot or Ammo Box design if you want a quick cheap and easy to build. You can get entry level models at Home Depot/Lowes/Wal-Mart for just over $100.
  • July121980
    July121980 Posts: 37 Member
    Well, I appreciate all your advice and after talking to my mom I have decided that I am not giving up what I like and I will log it the best I can. She said to estimate it higher and to enjoy that one meal a week so that I dont feel deprived and binge.
  • katzblood
    katzblood Posts: 41
    nothing wrong with a spike/cheat day. I'd log it. Just dont do it every day and limit it to once a week or do like other's said & exercise to earn those calories!
  • July121980
    July121980 Posts: 37 Member
    My husband is super supportive. He would eat cardboard if that was what I wanted for dinner. I love pizza and wings. I won't ever give them up. I think that I will just have smaller portions of them and will most likely feel full anyways since I have felt stuffed after cutting down my calories now. Thank you for the advice.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Be careful with cheating at restaurants. I used to go to Applebees a lot and have their spinach dip. It has so many calories..almost 1,000 plus a main meal. That is nearly a days worth of calories for me not including other meals during the day.
  • Aureilie
    Aureilie Posts: 213 Member
    I try not to go too crazy with my cheat meal, but if we got to a local restaurant with no nutrition information listed I try to find the closest thing to it and log that. It may not be exact but it gives me an idea. I also try to stay within 1000 to 1500 calories of my usual daily goal. It gives me enough leeway to have what I want without blowing the whole week.
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 359 Member
    If you're making a lifestyle change and not just on a can't give up eating things you like. What's the point...we only live once so enjoy it, just don't go crazy!