JennyBoomBooms Member


  • Yes, that makes perfect sense. But Im wondering if those who post the nutrition facts are doing the same you know?
  • I make chili loaded with bell peppers and crushed tomatoes, onions, and some chopped tomatoes for more texture. I put in black beans as well as red kidney, and sometimes ill throw leaf spinach in there. After it simmers for a while, it's so hearty and filling. I am not a strict vegetarian, but I cook alot of vegetable only…
  • 2 days between same muscle group, is what Im aware of. If youre trying to target a specific problem area, like hams, work them 2-3x per week low weight, high reps. If you are sore, try using a different machine or exercise to work the same muscle. Sometimes the burn will feel different, or not hurt as much if you switch up…
  • I recently became a huge fan of spaghetti squash. It's a great alternative to pasta, very filling, and satisfying if made with a little creativity :)
  • Ok so it seems like you just need to approach this whole thing in a different way. Try not to think about it as a job or chore or when will it be over, how long will it take... The destination is never the most important part of anything.. Its the journey.. In this journey, youve got to learn who YOU ARE. You know yourself…