Staying Motivated

I am new to fitness pal and the support groups but I am having trouble staying motivated so I thought it might be time to try out a support group. I started to diet in the beginning of January. I started out doing great 6 weeks later I was down 18lbs. However, in the middle of February I had one bad week where I just couldnt stay on track with my diet and excercise and now I am having a hard time staying on top of my diet and excercise plan. I just cannot get myself out of bed in the mornings to do any bit of excercise and at night I am finding myself making up excuses as to why I can't. I also am finding myself eating less fruits and vegetables then I was and more carbs. I have only lost 3lbs since the middle of February and after doing so well it has become almost depressing the lack of weight loss. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions on how to stay motivated and what works for them?


  • Karmael
    Karmael Posts: 12
    Do you have a buddy? I encourage you to keep using this website and tracking your food and reviewing your day. That is what keeps me motivated; however I do this with my mom as well..
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    You have to know why you're doing this. I'm just going to be honest and say what most people probably won't want to say or hear: You just might not want it enough - yet.

    Make a list of all the reasons why you believe you need to make a change. Take pictures of the current you. Pick out pictures of the goal you or what you want to look like. Make a list of all the things you WANT to do, but CAN'T because of your current form. Wall paper your life with these: post little notes all over the house, on the fridge, in the pantry, in your car, on the bathroom mirror, in the closet, on the nightstand, etc.

    Make plans for the week for your meals and your exercise routine. Don't accept excuses. Don't put off what you can do today. Make good decisions in the MOMENT. Not later in the day, not later this week, RIGHT NOW. Write a contract for yourself to what you'll do - set mini-goals and check them off as you obtain them from week to week, month to month.

    You can do this. COMMIT to this path.
  • cwmoree
    cwmoree Posts: 5 Member
    I hear you! That is exactly how I feel.
  • justjudyp
    justjudyp Posts: 1 Member
    At least you have lost weight since the middle of February and not gained! I think that is great! People always lose weight faster at the beginning of a diet. The less you weigh the slower the weight comes off.
    I think it is a good idea to think of the things you want istead of the things you can't do. For instance instead of always focusing on what you can't eat focus on how you want to look great this summer or how you want to feel better.
    I look at pictures of when I weigh my most and pictures of when I have lost weight to keep me motivated.
    I still think it is great that you lost weight instead of gained. Sometimes it is slow and steady that wins the race. To me this is something I am going to have to come to terms with as a lifestyle change anyway. I need to make eating and exercise changes that will last my entire life not just temporarily.
  • sg1982
    sg1982 Posts: 69 Member
    What keep me motivated is look at my photo of 2 years ago, how fat I was, then I say to myself, I don't want that body again.. No never again.

    Sometimes I feel lazy to go out for a walk, specially where I like is so cold and some days we have the four seasons in just 1 day, it's horrible, so, I talk to myself, and remember my goals, what I want.

    I also make plans, so it's more "easy" to follow it. We can do it.

  • JennyBoomBooms
    JennyBoomBooms Posts: 6 Member
    Ok so it seems like you just need to approach this whole thing in a different way. Try not to think about it as a job or chore or when will it be over, how long will it take... The destination is never the most important part of anything.. Its the journey.. In this journey, youve got to learn who YOU ARE. You know yourself more than anyone. More than your boyfriend, more than your teacher, your best friend, even your mother. You know how you feel and react to situations. You know what triggers you. And you need to stop putting it off, sweeping it under the rug, making excuses like you said, and look at yourself in the mirror and say, "what the hell are you doing? You are strong. You are smart. You can do this. It's only as hard as I make it, and I am going to get where I want to be."

    Think of all the time wasted...In that time you couldve been closer to your goal. How do you feel after you run, walk, or do any sort of working out? Great, right? It feels so good, sometimes I dont even have an appetite, or at least Im more cautious of what Im feeding my body, and I tend to have more will power. The more you do, the more you will want to do. After a class or a run, I do not want to pollute my body! I think it's mental...You think straighter. Think about your goal. If you want to lose x amount of pounds by a certain date, then you slack off a few days, or "give up" so to speak, just imagine where you could have been by this time. What has helped me is realizing that although I might not be getting results fast enough or the way I want, TIME IS GOING TO PASS NO MATTER WHAT. You can not bend or stop time. You can not get it back. But, you can make the most use out of it NOW. If you have a craving, if you do not feel satisfied, drink a glass of water. If you want to reach for food, ask yourself these questions first: Am I bored? Am I angry? Am I depressed? Am I tired? Maybe Im just thirsty? Many times people mistake hunger for thirst, which is a product of the salt overkill we receive from processed foods. The best way to manage and MAINTAIN a healthy lifestyle is eating clean and being consistent. Sure, I could go on a chocolate cake binge, then fast for 2 days. Will I lose? Will I gain? Will I "make up for it"? Who knows. But the psycological effects our diets and routines can have on our behaviors are alot stronger than you think. The mind is powerful, and it registers everything. Our emotions, thoughts, doubts, even fears are just some of the things that significantly effect our eating habits.

    Pictures are an excellent way to keep yourself focused. I think there comes a time though, after failing so much, or half-arsing a healthy lifestyle time and time again, or simply being lazy and you say to yourself, "you know what, that's enough. I AM IN CONTROL." Ive struggled with various issues since I was 12, never got to be extreme, but always a secret, and always had some problem with food. Either didnt want to eat at all, or deprive myself, or binge like crazy...I could be a bottomless pit. I absolutely love to eat, and although I eat pretty healthfully, my problem lies in quantity. I am not abig girl, but I could eat more than any boyfriend Ive ever right? Youve got to understand moderation, and how frequently eating smaller meals effects your hunger drastically. The thing is to find what works for YOU. Every body is different, and while the biggest thing right now is lean protein and low carb, think back to years ago...what happened to low fat? What happened to atkins? Remember cabbage soup? That celebrity orange flavored drink? And Slimfast! Have you ever read the back of one of those metal flavored "high protein, meal replacement" poor excuse for a milkshake? It is loaded with carbs! And I dont know about you, but Ive never been full after drinking one of those. The point is, these are all completely different approaches to weight loss. Did people lose weight with each of them? Certainly! But what works for someone else may not work for you. It is about balance, moderation, and planning. I am not hungry in the mornings. I am a morning person...I wake up and that is when Im most energized. I could go til 1-2 pm without the slightest thought of eating anything. Then what happens? Ill eat something healthy, sure. Then 678pm rolls around, and Im ravenous! Nothing fulfills me, I grab what I can get, and end up exceeding my daily calories just in that one sitting. It's about understanding your body. But I firmly believe youve got to understand your mind first.

    I recently began practicing yoga. I am one of those people that does like to be active, hiking, biking, dancing like a fool, the occassional outdoor run when it's nice. (I hate running in the cold) I always felt like if I am going to "work out" I have to make it count. I will sprint on the treadmil for 5, walk 3, run 5, walk 3...until Im sweating so much I want to faint, and then Im satisfied. I thought the only way to really feel like I accomplished something in my exercise was if my body felt fatigued. I looked at people that did yoga like "there goes another fad. Just stretching up and down, sit there, say om, and breathe..stupid. How can you possibly get in shape from that?" I have to say though, now I am hooked. The great thing about yoga is you can do it anywhere, at anytime. It allows you to make your own routine. You can get as active with it as you want. And if youre looking to sweat out even more calories, there is hot yoga or bikram where you practice in a heated room anywhere from 90-105 degrees. This is my personal favorite.

    Youve really got to experiment, to tell you the truth. This is advice that a friend gave me. She is an avid dancer, and highly educated in the field of nutrition and holistic health. Trust me, youve just got to find balance. YOUR BALANCE. It sounds easier said than done, but you will learn eventually that you are in your skin. No one can change your body but you. Do not set unrealistic goals for yourself...then you might as well not set one at all. Don'y drive yourself nuts either. You didnt gain the weight you did in a month, and youre not going to lose it in a month either. Dont beat yourself for indulging every once and a while, but also dont convince yourself that once in a while is every day.

    Stay focused, stay strong, and learn to find opportunity in making healthy choices in life...Recognize it IS HARDER to say no...but find the pride and goodness in it, and that will make you stronger every time. Remember You CAN!

    Cheers and Good Luck