Need help with weight lifting

How long should I wait before I work out the same muscle group? My hamstrings are still sore from working them out extensively on Friday and I'm not sure what the appropriate "wait time" should be before I can work them out again.


  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,340 Member
    4+ days, as I understand it.
  • 48hrs is recommended (Friday AM, can go on Sunday AM) but if you're pushing some serious iron, I think 72 is better
  • It helps to use a foam roller to 'roll out' your muscles after an intense workout. You'll be fine to go back at it if when you start the exercise you feel like you're ok. It's all based on your gut feeling. That being said, most people would usually be fine after a two day wait.
  • 4+ days, as I understand it.

  • So, follow up question....if I'm still sore tomorrow it's still okay to go ahead? I don't mind pushing through the workout...I just want to make sure that soreness is not an indicator that the muscles are still repairing themselves.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    wow 4 days? :laugh:

    OP I generally wait 48 hours but I'm also switching up my exercises so i'm not really working the same muscles in the same exact ways 48 hours later
  • LovesGG
    LovesGG Posts: 241 Member
    I like to wait for a full recovery. If you're sore enough and go work out that muscle, you end up doing a bit of damage and/or see fewer results. But if you wait too long, like 6 days does it for me (note: you may be different), you actually start to lose a little progress... like I end up starting at a lower weight after moving up weights. While you're waiting for one muscle to recover, focus on the others. For example Monday=lower body, Tuesday=upper body, Wednesday=break or whatever
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,340 Member
    4+ days, as I understand it.

    wow 4 days? laugh

    OP I generally wait 48 hours but I'm also switching up my exercises so i'm not really working the same muscles in the same exact ways 48 hours later

    I'll step out and let you "experts" teach her all about recovery. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Good luck to the OP.
  • Thank you everyone for the advice, albeit I think I'm a bit more confused :tongue:
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    When I used to lift I would wait two days before training the same group regardless of soreness. However, on the rare occasions I over did it, I would give my muscles a little more time to recover. I knew I overdid it by the feeling in my muscles. If you can barely make it up one step b/c of the soreness you should give yourself a little more time to recover, IMO. Regular stiffness you can work out through. HTH
  • JennyBoomBooms
    JennyBoomBooms Posts: 6 Member
    2 days between same muscle group, is what Im aware of. If youre trying to target a specific problem area, like hams, work them 2-3x per week low weight, high reps. If you are sore, try using a different machine or exercise to work the same muscle. Sometimes the burn will feel different, or not hurt as much if you switch up the type of exercise. Maybe you could just try doing kick backs with ankle weights or no weight at all. If youre still too sore, try some yoga or deep stretching for the muscle and give yourself a break. The worst thing to do is overwork a muscle so much...sure the workout will feel good and you will feel accomplished, but what's the sense if youre so sore, it puts you out of the gym for a week haha..Been there, done that! Good luck!
  • You need to wait 72 hours between workout for the same muscle group. You muscles need time to recover (working them out breaks down the muscle tissue, it regrows bigger and stronger as you rest and recover). If you are still sore, wait longer. This is a sign the muscle hasn't fully recovered. Most of the time, the rest and recovery is just as important as the workout.

    I hope this helps! Once you stick with it for a while, the soreness will become harder to obtain. It becomes a challenge to work the muscle hard enough to become sore.

    Good luck!
  • rubysphoto
    rubysphoto Posts: 254 Member
    You need to wait 72 hours between workout for the same muscle group. You muscles need time to recover (working them out breaks down the muscle tissue, it regrows bigger and stronger as you rest and recover). If you are still sore, wait longer. This is a sign the muscle hasn't fully recovered. Most of the time, the rest and recovery is just as important as the workout.

    I hope this helps! Once you stick with it for a while, the soreness will become harder to obtain. It becomes a challenge to work the muscle hard enough to become sore.

    Good luck!

    For me I personally do 48 hrs ^^^^^^^ I am 100% agreement with the rest^^^^^^^^ of the above