

  • The lignans in flax apparently bind to testosterone in the blood stream. Jillian thinks this is a negative. I can't find much research that actually correlates negative health risks with eating flax. t.
    in No Foods? Comment by tootru March 2012
  • Well, this Spanish-speaking vegan will offer to work for you! Maybe I should add yoga instructor to my list. :)
  • I used to travel a lot for work too, putting technology into new stores. And to tie in with MFP, I used to call it the <Customer> Fitness Plan because I was always running around these huge, Costco-sized (or bigger) stores for two weeks and I'd lose about 10 pounds every time.
  • Kayak builder Bicycle Mechanic Professional Organizer Author (Novelist)
  • I believe in you! Have you talked to your family and friends about what this means to you and asked for their support? If you haven't, start there because it won't just be you telling yourself to stick with it. And you'll also have a sort of external obligation, you'll know other people are pulling for you and you won't…
  • I'm not doing the diet part of Body Revolution since I'm vegan, but I am following Dr. Mark Hyman's Blood Sugar Solution basic diet. But - my goals are: Stick with the plan for the full 90 Days Get my blood sugar into normal levels (after 4 days on JM, I'm almost there, already!!) Get my other health indicator numbers into…
  • I just started the Body Revolution. So far I like it. It's challenging but not impossible. I am skipping the diet plan since I'm vegan and she really offers no substitutions for the meat and dairy in her plan.
  • I'm reading the book right now. It makes a lot of sense to me. I've long been a fan of his. I do have a bit of a beef with the quizzes he has on-line though - they take you directly to the store where I was recommended to start an $850 a month supplement regimen! I'll stick with the food guidelines and try to supplement as…