zoeybleepbloop Member


  • Glad it helps! I think the key for me is that when you cover the salad greens with your desired food, you can't really see the greens, and in my head I just think "I got hella lotta food. Yesss." When I put the salad on the side, I think "I have a tiny pile of food and this stupid salad." It's all jedi mind tricks for me.
  • I have the same problem. Husband is a skinny 6'4" twig, puts butter and whole milk in everything. He has trouble keeping weight on, so I can't really make "light" dinners or he'll waste away. My solution: Whatever we eat, I portion mine out, and I put it on top of a big huge pile of plain salad greens. Typically this works…
  • Eggs! Boiled, fried, mixed into stuff. I chop up boiled eggs and put them in everything. Sometimes just egg whites if I want things lighter. Protein bomb. I probably eat too many eggs. But really, they're a magical food. (edit: I'm obviously assuming you eat dairy here....)
  • RGY66HZ5P (with 1st and 5th box free)
  • Durango.
  • ^ This. Also the thing about wearing the Bodymedia "Screams you're on a diet"- I would also agree. I just personally like that stuff hidden from the world, but some people don't mind. I have both. I wear them at the same time, because I just got a fitbit one so I wanted to see how accurate it is before dumping the hugely…
  • I have the Bodybugg (by BodyMedia, just the older version), and a Fitbit One. You can do lots of internet searches and find tons of articles comparing the two. Bodybugg generally is thought to be more accurate for calorie burn, but it's a beast to wear, and it costs and extra $7 a month or so to operate. By the end of the…
  • I never realized how big my hips are in comparison to others my same height and weight. My husband always says that I can lose all the weight I want but that I better not lose anything off my hips (which, ironically, is what I would really like to shrink the most!). Claims he likes to "have something to set my beer on."…
  • Level 2 day 5 done! I'm still doing modified moves, but if I could do them all perfectly the first time, I probably wouldn't NEED to do this workout at all, right? I'm on a 15-day streak. I don't want to miss a day so it makes my motivation that much higher. Oh- and I don't know if I've seen changes, I never measured…
  • Shred Level 2 day 3 here. I haven't missed a day yet, which is ASTONISHING to me- and now that I have this good of a streak going, I really do want to keep it up!
  • Ok I just finished Level 2 Day 1 and Holy Yeezus, what's with the Plank-Jacks?!! If I get one of those out by the end of this I'll consider myself successful!!
  • I'm on Level 2 Day 1 today! I felt OK in Level 1, except I still do pushups on my knees because I have the arm strength of a asthmatic turtle. But I'm hoping by the end of this I can at least do a few on my toes. I've never done Shred all the way through before.
  • Yeah. I mean, if they really wanna stay full they should swallow tampons cause they'll expand in their stomach. Edited to add a disclaimer- Please consult your doctor before attempting to eat tampons.
  • But why exactly did you weigh yourself before AND after? You wanted to know exactly how much that food-baby weighed?
  • Ew- yeah, I can't believe he really wants fifteen cups! That's just a vat of kale with a few noodles in it.
  • I actually think that looks pretty good, although fifteen cups of kale seems completely insane. Maybe that was a typo on his site. I'd go with, like, one cup. Or two maybe. But the rest sounds good to me! I just eat that kind of food I guess. I love kale, quinoa, tahini and nutritional yeast. But I'm a vegetarian, so I eat…
  • I'm in Durango- and I'm going to try to keep up running all through the winter no matter what! I've never done that, I've always used the snow as an excuse not to run over the winter-- but I'm going to get a good set of layers and kill it this winter!
  • I eat all the foods. Fast as possible. Big bites. Chewing is for babies. Apparently I'm in a very big hurry.
  • The words "napping" and "close call" will have me sweating bullets as I board my next plane. Thanks for that! ;)
  • I made a standing desk at work- I just put my monitor and keyboard up on a little shelf. I can still sit down if I need to, but my monitors are kind of high- so I only sit for half an hour or so at a time at the most. It's probably not good for your neck to look up like that, FYI, but that's more motivation to keep…