

  • Do Max Overload Training, You'll gain muscles weight and lose body fat percentage.
  • things men say that women can't stand: 1. "Let me call you back" - Thanks. Now we know we'll be hearing from you on 33rd of Neveruary. 2. "Babe, we cool." - So you're just using me for cocoa and I'll never meet your mother. 3. "She's just a friend." - Really tho? 4. "Did you say something?" - Weren't you listening? 5.…
  • turkey meatloaf taste so good. I have at least once a week....yummy
  • Week #1 - April 30 - Goal 1000mins (actual---1053mins/8955cal burned) Week # 2 - May 7 - Goal 1000mins (actual---1213mins/8553cal burned) Week #3 - May 14 - Goal 1000mins Week #4 - May 21 - Goal 1000mins Week #5 - May 28 - Goal 1000mins Mon: 185mins/1353cal burned Tue: 194mins/1435cal burned Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total…
  • Welcome....., when i first started using this tool last march, that was my goal too. I lost more than that and im pretty sure you'll do good. I had to change my goal 3x because I kept losing weight.
  • This looks really fun!! Can I join? Well here are my stats beginning April 7 Week #1 - April 30 - Goal 1000mins (actual---1053mins/8955cal burned) Week # 2 - May 7 - Goal 1000mins (actual---1213mins/8553cal burned) Week #3 - May 14 - Goal 1000mins Week #4 - May 21 - Goal 1000mins Week #5 - May 28 - Goal 1000mins Mon:…
  • and the reason why is because it takes calories and energy just to maintain muscles. You are pretty much a burning calorie machine.
  • Weight lifting burns calorie. Also, the afterbun on weight lifting last a little longer than cardio. It's always nice combining both. Do weight lifting then cardio after. If you need some advice just message me.
  • when my sweet tooth kicks in, i grab an Atkins endulge bar (caramel nut chew bar). You all know about Atkins diet. It's all about low carb diet. I mean really low. So when I want something that will satisfy my craving. I use Atkins product. It works for me and I keep shedding pounds off every week. I had to change my…
  • for got to add something. protein powder shake is the same. it's what kind of protein powder do you want. Fast acting or slow acting or both.
  • whey is pretty much a fast release protein. It's ideal for pre or post workout. Then you have casein protein which is a slow release protein, ideal for your non workout day and before bed.
  • This is what I do, around 6pm I eat my dinner which is loaded with protein(3 hours before I go to sleep). If I want to have a snack after dinner, I would have a casein protein shake since it's a slow release protein. It's made to be drink before bed. You can also drink it during the day especially on your none workout day.…