Have you looked into FODMAPS? Some people have difficulty digesting certain types of carbohydrate, leading to constipation, diarrhea, or alternating. Here's a link to two charts. Look at the second one (the red one) to see if you notice a pattern with foods that are triggering symptoms (both milk & wheat are FODMAPS, btw).…
LOVE it and have bookmarked it. Would it be possible to make the zig-zag entries modifiable? For example, if Day 2 is a day that is difficult for someone to go low-calorie (e.g., if they have an exam that day), then it would be nice if they could increase Day 2's calorie value and have the rest of the days modified…
Feel free to add me too. I jog 3-4x per week and eat a net of approx. 1500 calories per day.
Several things have helped me.... *I started eating small meals 6 times a day, each with approx. 15 g. protein and 1 serving fresh fruit or 2 servings fresh veggie. Eliminated grains and sweets. Every now and then I will eat a grain and it has triggered overeating (or the occasional binge) every.single.time. I swear I feel…
My ProForm treadmill from Sears died last fall and, after much research, I replaced it with a Precor 9.23 (non-commercial treadmill). I LOVE it. I tested different brands but nothing compared. There are other Precor models that have side rails if you prefer but I liked the open space of the non-handrail model.
I also suffered greatly from IBS-C, so much so that exercising hurt and I often didn't want to be around people socially because I was always uncomfortable. I finally went to see a dietitian who recommended I removed gluten from my diet. I know it's not a cure-all for everyone but I am 100% better. It also took care of my…
Doh! That last comment was aimed at this post. I have a thing for nerds and even married a self-professed nerd.
Nerds make the world go round. You look great :).
You look amazing! I would love to look this good--off to the gym I go!
This is very motivating! Congrats to you on your new discovery and thanks for posting.
I think it really depends on your body composition. I've lost 10 pounds of 40 and people started to notice around 7 pounds, BUT I put on a lot of muscle. So my fat loss was more than 7 pounds woth at that time.