kgehling Member


  • Short Too much protein is not a problem for the vast majority of people. There are some reports floating around the web that indicate too much protein can cause kidney and/or liver damage, but there is no credible research to support this. And on the other hand. There is a ton of data that supports high…
  • Try 'Calorie Countdown' milk. They lowered the calories and sugar.
  • You're not eating enough....see the post relating to "starvation mode." You're body can be very clever sometimes.....annoying but clever.
  • Peanut butter, cottage cheese, full fat cheese, eggs, veggies....
  • Ok...from a purely numerical standpoint that seems like a rather low. What are your macro percentages specifically? Protein, carb, fat. I'm on a 30% protein, 40% carb, 30% fat, bulking diet with total daily calories at around 2900. Like everyone else I tend to hit my protein and total calorie numbers with ease...but unlike…
  • That it way too few calories! And where are the veggies? Where is the AM snack? And the PM snack? It's no wonder you're hungry.
  • Just how many carbs are you "supposed" to have in a day according to your diet plan? Also, if you post your stats (height, weight, bf %) it would make it easier to determine whether or not you should be eating more carbs in a day. My case is just the opposite...I'm usually about 100 calories short.
  • in FEED ME!! Comment by kgehling July 2009
  • It's a proven fact that there is no appreciable difference in results between 100% compliance to a diet and 90%. This 10% not only helps you stay motivated the rest of the time...but it does not cause any harm to your diet. I eat 42 meals/snacks in a given week. Of those, I plan to be non-compliant on at least 3 of them.…
  • My question to you is...where's the protein? My suggestion is to add some scrambled eggs, peanut butter, or whey protein powder. My typical breakfast on workout days is 1/2 cup steel cut oats made with chai tea and a scoop of whey protein and a small apple. And on off-days I have a veggie omelet made with 1 egg and 3 egg…
  • Provided you exercised at some point during the day the amount of fruit you ate is fine. Your body knows what to do with fruit... As you know fruits consist of fructose and sucrose. The drawback to fructose is that is must be processed by your liver first. Then it is shuttled off to either your muscles as glycogen…
  • Havarti, swiss, and mozzarella are great lower fat cheeses.
    in cheese Comment by kgehling June 2009
  • Remember this....there is no measurable difference between 90% adherence to a diet and 100% adherence. Meaning, allowing yourself a few small "cheat meals" each week will not hurt your progress at all. And, in the long-run it may actually be more beneficial because you are more likely to stay on course if the program…
    in Ice Cream? Comment by kgehling May 2009
  • I would consider crunches a strength training exercise. As far as order goes....I lift first and then do HIIT or swim (cardio). Reason being....that's just my preference. Do whatever you want to first.
  • 1/2 cup (dry) steel cut oats made with: 1 scoop ON vanilla whey protein powder and 1/2 cup of blackberries. And a fish oil capsule!
  • All of those "cleanses" are a complete waste of time and money. Not to mention dangerous. All a cleanse is going to do is dehydrate and under nourish your body. Save your money and your sanity and take some extra fiber. NO respectable medical professional advocates these.
  • Sounds like a good time to start a new exercise routine and get going!
  • Let's take a look at the reasoning for doing cardio in the morning on an empty stomach... 1. Glycogen is depleted therefore more fat is burned - This is the major benefit people who push this method use to support their position. What they fail to realize is that anyone with weight training experience has (or should have)…
  • Or you can just say "F-them" and bring your own snacks and food to the meetings! I do it all the time and even though a few people may snicker or make a pithy comment....deep down they know I'm right.