

  • Thank you for the web-site me and my 3 year old did it and he LOVES it!!! Hes walking around the house saying "Go chicken fat go!" (LOL) OMG that gave me a little bit of a burn. Awwl i bet your boys love it. And I bet all your kids keep you super busy way to go super mom :-) Thank you this is so awsome he keeps asking me…
  • yaa the more the merrier! lets do this everyone ;-)
  • Skimom* For some reason i couldn't I see the link. Today ive drank 5 16.9oz bottle waters so ive drank about 8 glasses today ya for me the only bad thing is that im constantly going to the restroom :ohwell: Best wishes to you and sometimes when water gets tiring i add a little bit of lemon juice to it.
  • Yes we can Franzy. great job on losing the 24lbs do you have any tips for a newbie(s)?
  • oh goodness i can agree on the more sleep part I need to do that as well. (LOL) yes we do seem to be on the very same page. Just courious what is the 10 minute chicken fat workout? That sounds interesting as i have a 3 year old little boy, who has wayyyy to much excess energy maybe we can do that together as well. Thanks…
  • Hello i'm new here as well. The way i see it is the calorie counter thingie is just a guide and thats it. I know if i try to be to specific i will get overwhelmed and give up. So my basic mindset is to understand that i need not eat as much fatty foods. From what I know and have learned, it's best to start off lightly…