

  • This is exactly what I was gonna say! I love my protein shakes after my run! I just make a shamrock shake flavored one a few moments ago! Plus you can get creative with eggwhites. I make a crustless quiche on Sundays and eat it all week! Asparagus and feta is one of my favorites but I have been enjoying caramelized onions…
  • Broiled fish, tuna, chicken, turkey, egg whites, lean beef, or even making a homemade protein shake with some whey protein is what I do when my macros are off. I have a hard time getting enough protein in too especially since protein sources are expensive!
  • I can't help but suspect this this only has to do with the industrialization of our animal protein sources...Buy local and family farm raised!
  • @rileamoyer LMAO! What kind of Vanilla Whey do you use? I have tried 3 and they all taste gross! I would love to make a vanilla frappe with protein powder if I could find a palatable one. Considering trying Gold Standard next...
  • A touch of cream can actually be better than milk by the way...it depends on your dietary goals. Milk has lactose, lots of sugar and carbs. That tiny bit of milk fat isn't that bad for ya. If you are doing any kind of diet like P90X fat shredder or Atkins, a touch of cream is always better than milk. I personally love skim…
  • I would take coffee in an IV if it didn't kill me. As a nutrition student, they teach us that coffee, like any brain chemistry-altering substance, affects everyone differently. Since you aren't putting in milk or sugar and you hardly drink any at all, I wouldn't be concerned. There are actually new studies out that shows…
  • Genuis! Plugging in my crock pot right now!
  • oh and I use 13.5lbs (not sure what that is in kg) for weights on shoulders and arms day, less for the harder moves, like flys. I also use some bands. I cannot do pullups so I do pulldowns on the bowflex using 130lbs right now. I hope to be able to pull my body weight soon!
  • 600 sounds way off. p90x tells me 2100, i consume between 1500 and 2500 depending on my day. Phase one is 50% protein so you will consume calories. add me and check out my MFP diary (I know my food choices arent the greatest but I am still tinkering) trying to get that 50/30/20 (protein/carb/fat) ratio is hard! Having lots…
  • I started wk 2 today, you can add me. my beachbody user name is the same, add me there too! a great support group to motivate you makes all the difference!!!