Ladies doing P90X questions

Hey all,

Im starting P90X Monday and just wanted some advice (and even some buddies if anyone else is starting monday as well)

- What size weights do you use. I was using 3kg and 4.3 kgs for 3DS and Ripped in 30, will i need to buy heavier ones for this or should i just see how i go first.

- Looking at the nutrition side of things is allowing 600 cals for P90X accurate or should I allow whatever my HRM says? so far ive set my calories on MFP to my RMR plus daily activity burn, after that plan to eat back the calories i burn

Just want to get the best results possible so any advice would be great



  • dladd103
    dladd103 Posts: 13
    600 sounds way off. p90x tells me 2100, i consume between 1500 and 2500 depending on my day. Phase one is 50% protein so you will consume calories. add me and check out my MFP diary (I know my food choices arent the greatest but I am still tinkering) trying to get that 50/30/20 (protein/carb/fat) ratio is hard! Having lots of buddies on really motivates me. holds you accountable and there are so many good answers there. feel free to add me there too, my user name is the same and I write a blog on there. I also track my calories expended on here using as a loose guide until I get a heart rate monitor
  • dladd103
    dladd103 Posts: 13
    oh and I use 13.5lbs (not sure what that is in kg) for weights on shoulders and arms day, less for the harder moves, like flys. I also use some bands. I cannot do pullups so I do pulldowns on the bowflex using 130lbs right now. I hope to be able to pull my body weight soon!
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    I got a set of adjustable resistance bands off amazon for $30. this comes with all the stuff, like the door attatckment, and it goes up to 115lbs, so when i get stronger I dont need new weights.

    I just wore my hrm on my rest and and figured out how many cal i burnt, that was my base cals, then ate back the ones i burnt.

    My diary is open, Im eating at 50/30/20 and Im finally getting the hang on it, cant wait for more carbs though!!
  • weezykid
    weezykid Posts: 50
    600 sounds way off. p90x tells me 2100, i consume between 1500 and 2500 depending on my day. Phase one is 50% protein so you will consume calories. add me and check out my MFP diary (I know my food choices arent the greatest but I am still tinkering) trying to get that 50/30/20 (protein/carb/fat) ratio is hard! Having lots of buddies on really motivates me. holds you accountable and there are so many good answers there. feel free to add me there too, my user name is the same and I write a blog on there. I also track my calories expended on here using as a loose guide until I get a heart rate monitor

    I meant 600 as an estimate of how much you burn during the p90x session. According to the p90x manual I should be consuming 1800 a day

    Does this mean on an off day (the x stretch or rest day) I should be eating 1200 calories since I am not working out, or should I still consume the 1800?
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I am going to be starting my 3rd round of p90x again feel free to add me as a friend.
    When I did my 1st round last year I used 10 lb dumbells and some things with 15 lb-and that was coming from finishing with Jillian Michael 30DS. Now I use 20 lb dumbells for lots of the biceps and some shoulders then 15 lb and 10 for other harder moves. I never used a pull up bar at all and used the bands -I started with 25 lb bands and now am up to 60 lb bands.

    Eating wise, I went off my HRM, so my lower burn days (yoga, strength,) I would drink a protein drink or eat a protein bar to make up for that calorie deficit. Major burns (pylo, kenpo etc) I would try to eat back would I would burn.

    600 cals is just a rough estimate of what someone might burn-everyone is different so wearing a HRM for all the workouts is your best bet.

    Good luck !