Layne Norton is a genius.
When it comes down to it, it's really whatever works for you. More muscle means more fat loss really. Eat a gram of protein per body weight, couple of good healthy fats and fill the rest up with carbs. Mix up a couple of HIIT cardio sessions with LISS sessions and you'll be good. Don't worry about how much you lose because…
I got a few good friends of mine who are natural bodybuilders man, we do cardio on a cut and don't see any muscle lose. It's more fat and glyco stored around the muscle. Get down to low bf %s and you'll see. But from your diary, you might want to up the carbs a little if you're looking to seriously put mass on your body…
Doesn't necessarily burns away muscle unless you're huffing and puffing, but walking at a slow pace your body looks to fat to burn instead of muscle. I used to do HIIT cardio like three times a week and I'll admit I wasn't eating properly therefore not growing and training efficiently. But to say it melts away muscle gains…
I'm a ketchup fiend, I gave it up last year for Lent. This year it's fast food AND ketchup! wish me up!
eat the whole eggs! tasty! :D
I'm not a lady but can I answer this question? I lift without a spotter, but I don't try and go til failure. I just go til I can't push one more than drop the weight about 5 percent and keep going til I feel like I have left. Then I'm done. Allows me for more work and higher volume. Hope this helps?
I just recently PR'd with my bench press at 205 lbs for 5 reps. I can row 165 lbs for 10 reps. Deadlfted 315 lbs a while back but hurt my lower back a couple weeks ago so haven't used it much.
Body looks phenomenal.
girls in a turqouise lace booty shorts.. perfection. thongs when unexpected are sexy too. but I like them cheeky panties!
LMFAO! so very true!
Thanks you guys! Once I get to go grocery shopping, I'll get all this stuff and hopefully try some out! Thanks for the help!!
I know my calorie limit and my macros, I'm currently training to do a show sometime in 2014 hopefully, but thanks man, I get where you're coming from. I had to deal with moderation and limits back when I was my heaviest but I've leaned out fairly nice and I'm just having that craving man! lol
Guess I can. That sounds really good, I'm not gonna lie. I'll try that this week!
Jason Aldean in Mission, TX. Great show!
Saw how big my face looked in pictures, plus just taking my shirt off and seeing how big I'd let myself get.. not a pretty sight.
Thank you, and of course. That's my momma! :)
got it!
July 2012. January 30, 2012. After dieting right and eating clean for two weeks only, with 5 months in the gym.
I can't figure how to put up the pics. :mad:
I think I should though, motivation.. you know?
You have a wonderful smile!
Wow, heated discussion lol. I just asked if ya'll do crossfit.. *awkwardly walks away* I'm kidding, but I've incorperated some WODs into my training, I don't go to a box or anything like that but I know my olly lifts and skill sets are ok, not great. (No shoulder mobility for OH Squat), but I'll agree most people just want…
Alright, thanks ya'll! I appreciate that. :)
I don't supplement it, it just comes from my bananas and beans. How much does cause that tho? Like do you know the levels or whatevever?
Well I consume quite a bit of beans and bananas on a few days, and go over my macros on it.. thanks for the input. But i try to eat about 2 to 3 bananas a day.
I have to agree with you man, I guess if I'm not going to commit to something, I shouldn't even trying it, seeing is I won't achieve the full benefits of it.
Yeah, I've been doing some research towards it, but don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to dive head first into a straight paleo diet. But gradually ease myself into it.