koppc Member


  • ha I was thinking that exact same thing. I have a family reunion coming up and I'm already thinking about how I'm going to avoid all the delicious food. lol! I'm sending you a request!
  • That is my biggest problem.. I have such great intentions then when I feel in over my head just a little I get out... Ever since May I have stuck to this and it has definitely paid off. I'm confident you can do it! Add me if you would like.. :happy:
  • I was thinking of doing the same thing as well. I'll definitely help in the support area! I need all I can get as well! :smile:
  • Honestly, every since I started keeping track of the food that I ate it made me more aware of how much I was actually eating. Knowing that if I opened the bag of chips I would have to record it, it kept me from opening that bag of chips. I haven't started a workout plan yet, but I make sure that I take stairs instead of…