acwenzel Member


  • I am a type 1 diabetic and could never fast and do any real exercise in the morning without some sort of carb intake. I also have to adjust my insulin before any cardio, i don't do spontaneous very well. If I was going to try anything like that i would stay home and do it so i could be safe. But for me once i went low i…
  • good luck! i ran my first half in 2009, i loved that distance. I started out with a goal to run a 1.5mi race five months earlier and it took me a total of 8 months to train for the half. I think the biggest things are 1. right equipment for you (find a running store to find shoes) 2. support, someone to do the long runs…
  • I really like moving comfort as well. first bra i could run in and not wear two.
  • I started using this when my son was 9 mos old. I did not eat enough calories and my milk supply dropped dramatically. I increased my calories and pumped like a mad women. I got my supply slightly better and have been able to continue nursing. I increased my activity level from from lightly active to very active when i…