

  • I'd love to be your friend - I'm always looking for support as well, so maybe we can help each other! :-)
  • Hi Marilyn! I'm returning after a hiatus as well. Welcome back! Hopefully it offers us both what we need to succeed this time. :-) Let's be friends!
  • Hey! I'm returning to MFP after slacking off of it about 5 months ago. I know how you feel with life being a big pain in the butt when trying to eat better! I think you have the right mindset, though. You're determined! I think if you can keep that determination, then you've won half the battle. :-) Hopefully I can, too!
  • Congratulations! There are many of us who kind of feed off of success stories like yours - they're our extra motivation! I appreciate that you aren't driving yourself into the ground to get to your ultimate goal, but trusting that you'll "get there when you get there", because it's a reminder that we don't have to hurry!…