Support needed...

I'm not extremely new to MFP but i started off strong and then slipped away for awhile. Well in doing this i lost a lot of the friends that i had on here. Well i'm back and determined to make myself a better me! I could really use some motivated and supportive friends to accompany me on this journey.

A little about myself. I'm 27, recently married, 2 beautiful daughters aged 7 and 1. I have been struggling with post partum depression since i've had my second daughter and also struggle with severe anxiety. I have just recently been put on medication for the problems which i'm thinking isn't helping with my weight loss. I'd really love to have some more positive friends on my list. Male...female...young...old i don't long as you're here to better yourself (which we all are), are motivated, positive, supportive, caring, understanding...etc...
I'm hoping to get to know some of you soon. :)


  • kellyirisheyes
    kellyirisheyes Posts: 137 Member
    I try to be supportive & optimistic :) feel free to add me!
  • kim200950
    Hey! Sounds like you can use some love and support! If you want you can add me, Im new to this but I am working hard to have friends on here and get into my old jeans!

    Feel free to add me we can talk about anything or nothing whatever your comfortable with! :]

    Good LUCK!!!
  • GreyGal
    GreyGal Posts: 11 Member
    I am new today. You can add me if you want to as well :happy: I too need the support and friendship o the group :smile:
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    I am 63, married, male and have been struggling with overweightedness all my life.

    This site has been very good for me - I log my meals with "My confessor" every day, so I am often here.

    I am in UK.

    let me know if I can help

    By the way, I get very annoyed at the "Holierthanthou" brigade who write scathing replies to new people's (in my opinion) reasonable questions, so I'll never do THAT to you
  • MittenMama
    I'd love to be your friend - I'm always looking for support as well, so maybe we can help each other! :-)