Don't overdo it though. I always wonder when running a half-marathon, how the other participants can have time stuff themselves with all the bars, gels, etc they've stuck in their belts - when also taking an energy drink at every depot AND eathing a banana, apple, two chocolate bars, etc that are usually given at the…
If anyone else is interested, I have created the group "P90 X Starting Monday May 28th 2012".
Be proud of being the first one to eat healthy at the meeting. If your colleagues are commenting upon it, it is only because their own bad conscience is nagging them, because they know that they should be eating more healthy themselves :-)
I love mine. You can feel everything when running, asphalt, grass, the holes between the tiles, etc. I just did 17km (11miles) in them yesterday, You will need to realise that you will be starting completely over with your running, since you will be using completely different muscles and tendons than when you ran before. I…
If you're looking to add extra protein to your diet, look for something with as few carbs as possible (less than 1:1). If you're looking for a meal replacement, look for something in the around 1:1 range. If you're looking for something to drink after a hard workouk, remember that the body needs carbs to refill its…
There's a very active P90X group on Facebook:
Regarding tips on better sleep, I'll just copy/paste something I wrote earlier: Many of us are to some extend sleep-deprived, and we know it, but don't do much about it and/or neglegect it. The main problem here is actually that our bodies are very good at adapting. If we on average get 1-2 hours less sleep than we should,…
Cheryl - can't you go back to sleep again? I actually read recently that historically, we did not sleep for a full 8 hours but rather broke it up into smaller portions. It helped me a lot just to know this when waking up in the middle of the night. Simply knowing that it is apparently natural took the whole stress about…