travlinmel101 Member


  • Thanks for sharing, Tom!!! Best of luck as your journey continues!!
  • I needed this!!! Thanks!!!
  • Thanks for the original question! And thank you, MyPresent, for this suggestion!!
  • Great job getting back at it!! :)
  • Hi all...I took pictures for my personal use :) I can see a difference and I can "feel" a difference in my strength/endurance and my abilities Here are the change in my measurements: -5 lbs -2 inches in each of my thighs -2 inches in my chest -2.5 inches in my bust -3 inches in my waist -3.25 inches in my hips And, I…
  • Can I getta "woop woop?" Day 30, done!!! Just keep it up everyone...even if you're on day 1 that's closer to being finished with 30 days than never starting!!! Good luck!!!!! You can do it!!
  • Hi All!! I had an unexpected 3-day break, but got back on track yesterday with Day 5 of Level 3…5 more days!! Let me catch up… corrs – AWESOME that you finished…congrats!!! We’re all looking forward to following you!! Amy – thanks for the ABC idea, I forgot to do it on Monday, but maybe I’ll remember tomorrow! The good…
  • Thanks for the advice everyone…I thought corrsfan made a great point that as we all have been going through the workouts we notice that our strength and endurance gets better…so I decide to stick with the 5lb’ers and just tried to go as fast as I could and hope to be as fast as them on Day 10! Kitjos – sorry to hear you…
  • Hi everyone...just checking in, just finished L3D3! Still going pretty good! I am a little bit sore from some of the moves...I think that the walking-planks really makes you "clinch" your abs/core, so I've got a bit of soreness there (i.e. it hurts to sneeze!), my shoulders/upper back is a bit sore, which I think is from…
  • Great job!! You'll be in 1st place in no time!! Keep it up!!
  • Way to go!!! I'm still trying to accomplish my first "real" push-up, so thanks for the encouragement!
  • I am happy to report, that WITHOUT A DOUBT, I'd rather do L3 than L2 - YAY!!!! Best "Day 1" ever! :) I always allow myself my own "warm-up" of some kind, so Jillian's wasn't as bad as it looked when I watched it. I was really surprised by my abilities this workout! The first strength move of C1 are "walking planks," these…
  • WOW - great job, alisa! Not doing it at the same time, but thinking about doing "Ripped" later. The funny thing about the side lunges is that the part that hurt me were the arm raises :) I usually have no problems with my knees (knock on wood!), but Level 2 of 30DS seems to be bothering them just a little bit. I had to…
  • OMG...I'm only watching the warm-up of L3 and I'm already scared!!! (double jump rope and butt kicks in the warm-up?!?) BTW - am I the only one who can't reach their hand to the opposite foot on the "high kicks"? I'm sure it's because my arms are too short ;) PS - Looks like Anita and I will be pretty good friends again!
  • Happy to report - LEVEL 2 DONE!!!! YAY!!!!! Keep it up everyone!!!! I'm gonna take a break tomorrow and Monday, onto Level 3!!!
  • Woo hoo...squat thrusts accomplished!! Ok, yeah, I did have to take a small break (and could REALLY feel it in my legs!), but I'm glad I did those!! But then, we got to plank-jacks and I must have used my energy on squat thrusts cuz I couldn't do quite as many as last night! :) Lee - I hate those push-up things in circuit…
  • L2D6 done yesterday…it was my worst ever, just was feeling a bit tired, not much energy (11 hr work day), but I really want to finish in 30 days straight, so I did it anyways…the one surprising element of the whole thing – I attempted plank-jacks and did 12, then 14! YAY! I’ve pretty much been following Anita on almost…
  • HALF-WAY DAY for me! (aka day 15 or L2D5) Once I upped my weights towards the end of L1 (from 2lbs to 5lbs), I continue to use the 5lbs for most of my L2 moves (sometimes, I have to go back down to the 2lbs for the second set, or those V's I sometimes have to put the weights down completely)...but I think if you're already…
  • Maybe because I didn't do L2D1 to my fullest efforts (because I was still learning what I was supposed to be doing), I don't feel any pain today! YAY! But, tonight, now that I'm a little more aware of what I'm supposed to do, we'll see how that will feel! I'm not sure about the "knees" problem ends up being…
  • L2 D1 - DONE! Lots of good news, I think! First, my confidence and endurance was much better this "day 1" than "day 1" of L1! I felt that most of the moves were harder, but it makes me think of "better" results. I could physically do all of the movements, but, like L1 (i.e. push-ups), some of them I could do very few, but…
  • First Post Ever!!!! :) And thanks to all who have been posting along the way, it's been motivational! I started 30DS on April 15th, so today I have graduated to Level 2 (which I'll be doing later)!! I did Level 1 in 10 days straight, no rest. Days 2, 3, and 4, I could barely walk and moving of any kind took extra effort…