

  • Girl, go to the nutritionist. Just give it a try, won't hurt you to see what advice they have for you. I'm a physical therapist in a hospital and work with them all the time, the nutritionist girls that I work with are really sweet and nice, and know what they're talking about. Hopefully, you'll find a good one, that said…
  • congrats!
  • I'm 73lbs away from my current goal, then about 25 more lbs to be at my healthiest wt. I could use some more buddies to keep me motivated :)
  • congrats!!! woot woot!!!!
  • welcome to the site! i have been using the site for almost 2 months and find it very helpful. good luck!
  • i burnes 549 calories today during an hour class. usually i burn between 450 and 675, depending on the instructor and on how much umpfs i put in it. have fun!
    in Zumba Comment by Elbita October 2010
  • zumba!!!! zumba totally burns lots of calories, especially when you do a group class. i burned today 666 calories during a 1 hr class. i usually burn between 450-675 calories, depending on the intensity of the class. i don't get such great results with just doing machines and zumba is a lot more fun than the elliptical or…
  • i just discovered the green giant veggies blends, like the "antioxidant blend" that are good for you and very tasty. they're in the frozen vegetable section at the store and are ready in less than 5mins on the microwave. the serving size, which is half the package is only 50 calories. also, costco has grilled nuggets,…
  • you know i think we all hit the brick wall, i know i hit it a lot. i have learned that i can't let myself give up just because i had a "bad" day/week. the important thing is ti say "ok, i know i messed up today/this week", but i'm gonna get back to it today". it has help me a lot having myfitnesspal, to see how much…
  • Welcome to the site! I started using the site about 5wks ago and the site combined with discovering my love for Zumba classes have made a great difference. This site was an eye opener and is a great tool! I think your goal weight and mine are close, so I would love to be your buddy also.
  • I have lost 12 pounds in about 5wks!
  • Hi! I think it should be pretty accurate or close. I wear my HRM chest strap and watch and when i'm doing the machines that read the HRM, they seem to be accurate compared to the watch. Although, some times the machine reads 1 bpm less than the watch, but it shouldn't make a significant difference.
  • I also wear a heart rate monitor. I usually burn between about 475 and 675 calories during an hour class. It depends on how much intensity i put into my moves and the overall intensity of each instructor class. I love the live class so much more than the videos, The energy in the room is amazing and it's so much fun! I…
    in Zumba Comment by Elbita October 2010