Burn 500 a day for 40 days

fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok this is a personal challenge to help me on my way to loosing 5 kgs in the next 40 days.

So part of this is burning 500 extra calories every day (so I can eat my 1200 anti starve calories and still keep my deficit high enough).

This is a huge challenge for me as I not a natural sports person and like everyone am pressed for time!

What are your best high burn workouts? or any good advice? I look forward to counting down my 40 with you :) x


  • Ride a bike with weights... The higher the weight you have to pedal, the more you burn... I burn 1000 calories an hour...
  • Elbita
    Elbita Posts: 13

    zumba totally burns lots of calories, especially when you do a group class. i burned today 666 calories during a 1 hr class. i usually burn between 450-675 calories, depending on the intensity of the class. i don't get such great results with just doing machines and zumba is a lot more fun than the elliptical or treadmill. it's like a party!

    good luck!
  • Spinnng class! I especially love the classes where they do hill climbs, because it works my gluts and quads. Supposedly, I'm burning over 550 calories in a one hour class. I'm sure it depends on the class, though. If you are going to work out this hard, be careful not to injure knees, back, or hips. I was doing spinning every day, but I hurt my hip. I am only now coming back to spinning class after a year of gradually building back up to it. I don't know for sure if the injury was caused by the class, but it got re-aggravated by the class the first time I tried to go back to it.

    I didn't stretch enough-- and that's really important. Stretch! :-)

    Good luck!
  • jsuemiranda
    jsuemiranda Posts: 14 Member
    I'm an elliptical junkie. I can't do high-impact, and the elliptical helps me burn so much more than a treadmill. Oh and I LOVE jumping on the trampoline with the kids.... great cardio and fun.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I did 545 calories burned walking today.....53 minutes, 4 mph pace over rough hilly terrain (hilly gravel road) (with HRM). My gluts are killing me, so I know it worked!
  • haleighallen
    haleighallen Posts: 209 Member
    INSANITY!! I just burned 840 calories in 40 minutes :D
    And you get a really good 'runner's high' when you finish a workout :)
  • haleighallen
    haleighallen Posts: 209 Member
    INSANITY!! I just burned 840 calories in 40 minutes :D
    And you get a really good 'runner's high' when you finish a workout :)
  • mykaar74
    mykaar74 Posts: 253
    i love running, and fast walking for atleast 40 minutes
  • introvert
    introvert Posts: 28 Member
    I mix up stationary cycling, crossramp, elliptical, treadmill and a stair stepper. I try to keep cardio to an hour at most, since anything more than that ends up hindering rather than helping. To break up the monotony I'll stick to 30/30, 20/20/20, 10/25/25 of a given machine. My routine burns between 500-800 per day.

    Cycling usually burns the least calories, depending on your exertion and resistance. But you can easily burn 500 calories in 30-40 minutes with an average pace on an elliptical. Treadmill can probably hit the 500 mark in 20 minutes if you're running.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    kickboxing :)

    Don't forget your rest days though. Don't want to get burnt out (which you will if you haven't been doing any regular exercise lately and then try and go 110% for extended period of time.)
  • Interval training -- I use a treadmill -- walk at slow to moderate pace for 2 mins, run/sprint for 1 min (after you warm up of course!). If you are able to push it a bit more, walk slowly for 1 min, run for 1 min (beginner run 30 secs, walk 90 secs -- the varieties are endless!) -- gets fast results, and is great if you are not already a runner.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Dancing--I dance with the kids several days a week and I burn about 100 calories every 10 minutes if I'm not stopping and jumping around a lot.
    Riding my bike--I push as hard as I can and I burn about 200 cals in 15 minutes.
    Walking/Jogging--I jog as far as I can, then walk until my HR starts to drop, then jog some more and when I just can't go anymore jogging, I power walk. I burn about 320 cals in 25 minutes.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    wow awesome ideas guys, I like the low impact ones as I have a bad back (no L5 Vertebrae!)
    So I am going to spin class tonight and Zumba on Thursday to try them out.

    I also didn't realise how quickly I could burn on the elliptical trainer!

    One of my friends has suggested I burn 600 a day and then have one day a week off so I don't burn out!

    How much are you averaging per day and how often do you rest? xx
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I avg 400-450per day and get 1 or 2 days rest
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Ok this is a personal challenge to help me on my way to loosing 5 kgs in the next 40 days.

    So part of this is burning 500 extra calories every day (so I can eat my 1200 anti starve calories and still keep my deficit high enough).

    This is a huge challenge for me as I not a natural sports person and like everyone am pressed for time!

    What are your best high burn workouts? or any good advice? I look forward to counting down my 40 with you :) x

    Maybe I'm missing something..... but please tell me you're not intending to eat 1200 calories AND burn 500 calories (which means you're actually only getting 700 calories a day??) :huh:
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Ya sorry I got myself super confused with that too - but this is what I am thinking:

    maintenance = 1680 + 500 burn = 2180 (needed to maintain)
    Eat 1200 = 980 Deficit
    980 x 40 = 39200/7700 (1kg) = 5 Kgs :)

    I do find it really odd that I can be 900 calories in deficit and not in starvation mode, word seems to be that 1200 plus is fine. But surely it should be relative to your output. If I was burning 5000 a day and only eat 1200 I would be starving myself, so is this different?

    (Maybe this should be a new topic, but hopefully someone can explain it!)
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    hehe it can be confusing - here's how it would look

    minimum = 1200
    + exercise 500
    Minimum you'd need to eat = 1700 calories

    Keep in mind that maintenance is just that..... maintenance....... to fuel yourself through that extra exercise (which helps in the long run, so it's not counter-intuitive to eat those cals!) you need to eat what you work off.

    Otherwise, it looks like this:
    minimum = 1200
    - exercise (cals not eaten) 500
    Your total caloric intake would be: 700 cals a day (far less than the 1200 you'd need to stay healthy while losing weight).

    If you're short (5 foot or less) or have some other conditions, that may be different for you - there are lots of "read this!" stickies on the topic, with great info...... your doctor could be really helpful too if you have the opportunity to email/visit them! With relatively little to lose, you're not going to be losing 2 lbs a week realistically.... sucks when you get that close! They say the last 10 are a kicker!!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    The maths seems fine to me. However, unfortunately it rarely goes exactly to plan. For starters when you lose weight you will not be losing 100% fat. (this is where the 3500cals/lb comes into it) It depends on your macronutrient split, genetics, type of exercise, quality of rest etc. as to what percentage of weight lost will be fat and what will be muscle.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    "minimum = 1200
    + exercise 500
    Minimum you'd need to eat = 1700 calories

    Keep in mind that maintenance is just that..... maintenance....... to fuel yourself through that extra exercise (which helps in the long run, so it's not counter-intuitive to eat those cals!) you need to eat what you work off. "

    Ok so really I need to be eating 1700 a day not to go into starvation mode? So I won' t be able to loose it as fast as I want as I will only be in 480 Cals deficit plus the reasons Chris has given below :)

    Hmm ok maybe time to reassess...
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