

  • I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but I don't understand people who would NEVER walk out of a retail store with merchandise without paying, but think nothing of illegally copying video or audio files. Stealing is stealing! ...flame away. Mike
  • The nutrition guide and other printed materials are critical to your success at P90X. Beachbody does sell the program through Amazon too. If you buy it via eBay or Craigslist (unless you're buying someone's used, complete set), you are buying DVDs that have been illegally copied. These are unscrupulous…
  • >sigh!< You may not have realized that you were buying a pirated version: bootleg copies of the legit DVDs. But I really wish people in general would give that more thought when buying certain items from eBay. There are a lot of great deals to be had from eBay retailers who are simply enterprising people running businesses…
  • Wow - she was right on the money. :bigsmile: Awesome ballet teacher! Mike
  • Good for you Brittany! And congrats on graduating college!!! This is a great site, with an amazing number of supportive people all with more or less the same goals. Welcome! Mike
  • I have gone through P90X a couple times now. I am a 5'11" 47 year old male. When I first started I weighed just under 200 lbs and wasn't exercising much. My bodyfat % was 20% to 21%. P90X does have a "fit test" that you can take to see if you are ready. I took it and passed all parts of the test, but some just barely. here…
  • I believe that the generic dietary advice that carbs are the "enemy" is extremely wrong-headed. I'd be interested to hear though what carb intake percentage you would classify as "dangerous" metalpalace and WHY it is dangerous. I have had success by cutting carbs to as low as 25% total dietary intake for up to 4 weeks for…
  • That is the "training effect"! It means PROGRESS - your heart is becoming more efficient. I don't know if you recorded it before you started your workout program, but I'm sure you will find that your resting heartrate is now lower than it was at the beginning too. Your lunchtime walk may have to become a lunchtime RUN. My…
  • Let me make sure I understand what this thing is... Is it a platform that vibrates and you stand on it and it supposedly burns calories and counts as "exercise"? If I am misunderstanding this then I apologize in advance. But this kind of stuff makes me BURNING mad! THROW THIS DEVICE OUT THE WINDOW. This is a scam that…
  • ABSOLUTELY worth it, IMO. I lost 18 lbs - all bodyfat and my strength and endurance went through the roof! It also got my metabolism revving high enough to be able to increase my daily caloric intake quite a bit without gaining fat, so I can relax dietary restrictions somewhat with better results. It also got me into…
    in p90x Comment by visiologist August 2009
  • Thanks thumper. My main reason for wanting that feature is this: I am after maximum fitness results, not weight loss, and I do set workout routines (P90X, P90X+ and Insanity). There are points of "peak exertion" in many of the workouts that I know well. I use those peaks as a barometer to tell me how hard I'm pushing. For…
  • :bigsmile: Hey, that was your 100th post... or, at least you just reached your hundredth post. Party! :drinker: Mike
  • Yes but if your body is not digesting the carbs, it cannot make use of the energy (calories) from them. Right? :ohwell: Mike
  • nguill6: Step by step: 1) Press and hold your foot on the decal on the lower right of the scale until you see "1" 2) Remove your foot and wait a few moments. It will read the last weight recorded for user 1. Then it calibrates itself: you see some dashes in the display and it will then read "0.0" 3) Step on the scale. It…
  • I picked up one of these at WalMart: It's inexpensive and has a memory for two users, so it'll tell you what you weigh now, what you last weighed and display the difference +/- 0.0 lbs.. I would strongly…
  • Strawberries! High in anti-oxidants and you wouldn't believe how many it takes to equal a measly 100 calories! MIke
  • I absolutely agree with everyone who says to go through at least two rounds of P90X before trying Insanity. I did two rounds of X, and just started Insanity. It is unreal - I am gasping and wheezing trying to keep up with the DVDs! My average heart rate numbers have been off the charts - as high as mid-150's even including…
  • I read the range is 600 to 1,000 per hour. I don't do it myself, but I do a couple workouts that burn 1,000/hr on me and just watched a Zumba video on YT. I could believe maybe that much. Looks pretty intense. But you have to realize that calories burned in a workout has a lot to do with your physical size. I'm a guy…
    in Zumba Comment by visiologist July 2009
  • Okay thanks ladies - that's what I thought. i still might get one, but I've really grown used to using the max HR display on my current monitor to make sure I am really getting the job done in each workout. I use a couple DVD programs and know what my max heartrate should be at the peak intensity level in each one if I'm…
  • Greek-style strained yogurt. Protein content is really high in that stuff for some reason. I get mine at Trader Joe's - hopefully you have one near you, or can find it some other way. Mike
  • Yes it's important to replenish the glycogen you've burned in your workout with carbs, but the REAL magic of a proper recovery drink is this: Your muscles need protein immediately after a workout to start repair/rebuilding of damaged muscle fibers. Protein can only be utilized by your muscles when there is a high level of…
  • ABSOLUTELY agree! Well said. But did someone say we are eating LESS? I don't get this. Now that I am eating 6 meals per day and working out like a fiend, my calorie consumption has gone way UP! My metabolism is burning like a furnace I think - I used to weigh nearly 200 lbs, but now I am about 179 and trying to build lean…
  • Barbara's Bakery has several cereals called "Puffins". The Peanut Butter Puffins are the best tasting cereal I think I've ever had, and they're equivalent to Kashi in terms of "healthiness". I buy them at Trader Joe's. Mike
  • Did a little research. This claim has been widely debunked. To quote snopes: "Many disparate substances share similar chemical properties, but even the slightest variation in molecular structure can make a world of difference in the qualities of those substances." Margarine is as similar to plastic as butter is. Mike
  • I am confused. I have heard it said before to avoid "margarine" because of hydrogenated (or partially h...) oils. I use Canola Harvest - no trans fats, no hydrogenated (partially or otherwise) anything. There are many, many alternatives like this on the market (Smart Balance, Benecol + many others). Are these "worse for…
  • It's almost certainly water. There is no way you (or anyone, save a guy on steroids) can gain 5 pounds of muscle in 2 weeks. Mike
  • The generic way to ESTIMATE your max heart rate is to subtract your age from 220. I am 46 so my max is theoretically around 174. If 181 is 92% of your max I can reverse-engineer your age and... oh my, you're a young one aren't you? :wink: Mike
  • I don't agree with Hermit. or it could be semantics, but I want to be clear: Don't worry about building bulky muscle. It's not going to happen by accident. I'm a guy, with a heckuva lot more testosterone in my bloodstream than you, and I would have to absolutely work my patootie off to "build bulky muscle". Women obviously…
  • I don't know offhand, but there's no way it burns 600 - that's for the normal length workouts. Ab Ripper is what - 16 minutes? If I had to guess I'd say 150 to 200 tops, depending on your lean body mass, gender, etc. I have found that, at least for me (5'11 180 pound 46 yr old male) most of the workouts burn more than 600…
  • Are you so sure the motorcycle vibrations, and electrical impulses from the engine won't throw your HRM off? Try turning on a blender when you're wearing it - you'll think you're about to go into fibrillation! Mike