AngelAura777 Member


  • I only use protein shakes if I havent hit my protein macros after all of my meals. Or I like to mix it with chobani greek yoghurt as a yummy dessert.
  • Lentils! They are so cheap and high in protein and only take like 10 mins to cook and are a good recipe base. Just chuck in some tuna and veg and your good to go.
  • Staying away from any type of bread, pasta white carbs etc helps too as they are very inflammatory and addictive and spike blood sugars. Sugar interacts with dopamine receptors in the brain just like cocaine and it is just as addictive if not more addictive.
  • Going wheat free, high protein moderate fat and low carb helps me. Its very hard at first but once the cravings are gone I feel so much better, more energy and better sleep and a lot more self control. If you cant control yourself then you may have a particular food intolerance that is causing you to be addicted to…
  • You should keep an eye on it and dont go overboard even with natural sugars because in the end they all get broken down into monosaccharides when digested especially if you are prediabetic. With that said, The extra fiber in fruits helps less to be absorbed and fruits are good for vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.…
  • I like having natures way super greens cacao protein its all natural and contains all the essential amino acids. You need essential amino acids in your diet because your body cant synthesise them. You need to eat a wide range of different proteins like fish, eggs, quinoa, lentils, beans, brown rice etc before just getting…
  • Dates soaked in boiling water and then blended are a great natural sweetener with fiber too. Agave is bad same with anything else like rice malt syrup etc. It still spikes blood sugar levels dates included so eat small portions of what you make. Liquid stevia can also add sweetness.
  • Kefir, saurkraut & kombucha are good probiotic foods to include in your diet. Also high fiber through eating lots of fibrous veg helps clear out toxins.
  • You should completely cut out any soft drink even if it is diet. The artificial sweeteners are worse than sugar and they are laden with chemical crap. Drink kombucha instead its carbonated so a good replacement and has probiotics for healthy gut flora. You can get it from any health food store.
  • I dont know if this will info help but just eat normally (unprocessed whole foods). Your body synthesises a lot of the cholesterol itself and a lot of the time high LDL is indicated by faulty cholesterol transport in the body. If there is too much cholesterol in the cells the cells will not uptake any cholesterol from the…
  • Chobani greek yoghurt mixed with strawberry protein powder helps me hit my protein macros. Lentils, beans and chickpeas are also great for hitting macros especially fibre carbs and protein.
  • Check out the book wheat belly its very interesting
  • Packets of dried legumes are awesome. They are filled with lots of protein, fiber and carbs and are satisfying and cheap. Or after you get paid if you can afford it plant some kale and spinach etc and you wont have to buy those you can just get it from the backyard.
  • Kidney beans are great for fiber they also have good protein and carbs to fuel your workout. Vegetables also have fiber and you get the bonus of all the vitamins and phytochemicals
  • Well then can you please educate me in what is wrong? Im just going off what is in my nutrition textbook.
  • Well you need approx 45%-65% carbs. Your body uses glucose for energy and carbs are broken down into glucose throughout digestion but your carbs must be from good sources like vegetables, brown rice and legumes etc. If you dont get enough carbs your body will start to covert protein into glucose for energy through a…
  • I am obsessed with food as well and I have had so many ups and downs with my weight! I work with it I think about it all day and I love to cook. I let it get me down for a while until I decided I wanted to use it in a positive way and study nutritional medicine. Hopefully I can learn how to look after my body more and help…
  • If you are doing weights it helps ALOT to eat more I found I was getting nowhere fast eating low cal and doing heaps of cardio. But when you do eat more it should be good real food that isnt processed. Focusing on what you eat instead of how much you eat makes a world of difference. And you also need to be eating a good…
  • When I eat a lot I have to lift real heavy and a lot so then the food can go to muscles rather than killing myself with cardio. I mainly do cardio because I enjoy it and exercising outdoors but as soon as I reduce my exercise and my large consumption starts to turn from clean healthy food to processed junk then the weight…
  • If this is your cheat day then you have serious sugar problems lmao! check it out holy snickers!!
  • I like making home made healthy versions of my favourite foods instead of having a cheat day. If I feel like a burger I make a home made one with healthy ingredients or If I feel like something sweet I love making protein balls and use organic honey or stevia and 70% cocoa dark chocolate to sweeten them. Sometimes when my…
  • Yum thanks! I will definitely be trying this!
  • even though I have lost the weight I wanted to lose I still have the mental body issue problems. I am happy that I eat a lot healthier but I still cant stop obsessing over how big my stomach is. I know my weight is healthy and I have nothing to worry about but I still do. I have good days and bad days and I try to use…
  • I have been working out for about 3 years now and my face still goes bright red and I get really sweaty! I wonder the same thing how can people not sweat so much! Instead of getting self conscious I just put it down to that they arent making enough effort and if im sweating that means im doing a great workout!
  • I love shaved asparagus just get a potato peeler and shave thin slivers from top to bottom and they go all curly and its yum! or if you grate sweet potato and cook it in some olive oil and add that its kind of like hash browns in your omlette =]
  • I started off by doing intervals on the bike/ treadmill where I walk for 90 seconds and then run/ ride hard for 30 seconds and eventually my fitness started improving. Some days I feel more tired than others but if you can motivate yourself enough to get in the door or start your workout then you are making great progress.…
  • It really depends on what subway you go to and the management there. I work there and we have strict guidelines with defrosting and how long we keep food for and even if it is 5 minutes over the time it has to be thrown out and it hasn't been thrown out we get a warning and 3 warnings you lose your job. You are best off…
  • Heavy deadlifts are amazing using the stronglifts 5x5 program
  • Dont have them in your house and substitute for other foods. I eat wraps instead of bread and I make a strawberry protein powder concoction with greek yoghurt with rolled oats and fruit instead of sugary cereals its very yum!
  • If im trying to up my calories I love eating spoonfulls of organic peanut butter or I make a chocolate or strawberry rice pudding with brown rice mixed with protein powder, milk and eggs and it tastes so yum! Chia seeds are also high in calories too.