Dayeonaira Member


  • Caroline you did not look like a fat slut on your wedding day. people can be so pathetic. theyre not worth your time hun
  • Hey Gurl you got this, Add Me i would love to help you through your journey i have 36lbs still to lost till my first goal and then an additional 16 after that for an overall loss of 58 lbs
  • I have been Doing MFP for roughly two weeks i have lost just over 8lbs, I think when it comes to your diet diary and MFPs calculatuion it seems to be pretty accurate however it does not take into consideration Stress, Time Of month, any of that its calculated based on how many calories you burn 3500 equals a pound of fat…
  • Love your idea ive been using MFP only a week now and i believe that setting smaller goals and challenges will make your end goal more attainable and hold you more accountable. Im in add me, i think we should keep it to maybe a specific exercise daily that way were able to hold each other accountable and support each other…
  • you can totally see a difference, awsome job!!
  • go here and click on frame size wrist it will tell you your frame size
  • Im 5 9 and three quarters lol, My start weight is 228 im hoping to get down to 173. My first goal is to reach 20lbs lost by end of april. This site has really motivated me, seeing real life peoples success and having the support makes my goals that much more attainable. Im excited and cant wait to see myself in a new light.
  • Thats a great way to start, breaking your goals in half so the first one is more attainable. People get detoured when they look at a large number for weight loss. This way your halfway mark will be 25lbs and you will get there sooner than you will get to 50lbs. Your gonna do Great :) add me if you like
    in intro Comment by Dayeonaira March 2012
  • Adding :)
  • im so excited, you know when you have that moment, the one where your like this is it, im gonna do something about it? i have been waiting ten years for that moment and it finally happend. I have tried to lose weight before but not so much because i wanted to but because everyone else did, i know im going to be successful…
  • Im really 5 9 and 3 quarters lol, in high school i was 5 11 and with the weight gain after having two kids i seem to have shrunk. for your heigh and bone structure what is your goal weight. Thats what confuses me at max the charts say i should be 176 however the lowest i have been is 180 and i looked perfectly healthy at…