How much weight have you lost in 5 weeks

After we submit our food diary each day MFP tells us based on the days intake that if we continue to have smilar days in 5 weeks we should be a certiain weight. Just curious (speaking to those who have been using MFP 8 weeks or more) how much weight and or inches have you lost after 5-6 weeks?


  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I usually lose between 8 and 10lbs a month give or take a few but it's added up to about that much a month.
  • mischa_12
    mischa_12 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm interested to know this too - bump
  • sjwhite7
    sjwhite7 Posts: 86 Member
    It depends on the person really. Some people can lose consistently and others may have a plateau for a little bit. My first 4 weeks I didn't lose at all but after that I lost rapidly. I hit a plateau for a little while and just recently started losing again. All in all though I have been working out and eating right since Dec.6th and have lost 26 pounds. I took a 2 week break to see if it would help me break my plateau and so far so good. So as you can see everyone is different and have different obstacles to overcome. The estimate they give is for if everything goes as planned.
  • angelasmith230
    angelasmith230 Posts: 70 Member
    I am only in my second week.. but normally when I clean up my diet and start eating better it takes about 6 weeks to start seeing consistent losses on the scale
  • carolinenorthrup
    carolinenorthrup Posts: 34 Member
    I've logged in just over 30 days and I've lost 7 pounds. 2" around my hips and 1.5" around my waist.
  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 197 Member
    I was interested in that too so 5 weeks ago as at 31 March I should be be down to 98.2kg (216pnds) started at 103.4kg (227.5pnd). I am currently 99.6 (219.1pnd) so I have one week to lose 1.4kg (3.1pnd), will be close but dont think I will quite make it. As for inches gone from 53 round my tummy to 47, waist 39 to 34 so pretty good I think. I am happy :o)
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I've been here a few days shy of 8 weeks. My next weigh in is in the morning. So far i've lost 23 pounds and 13.2 inches overall. I lost 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks, 3 the 3rd week, and averaged 1-2 since then. My ticker says 69 pounds, the rest was lost prior to mfp, it's there to remind e how far i've come.
  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member
    It took me the past 3 weeks to lose the last 9 lbs and drop to 1lb. below my goal.
  • TeddyBear47
    TeddyBear47 Posts: 200 Member
    The first 2 months i dropped 44 lbs. I think 15 to 17 lbs a month is good for me.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    6 lbs.
  • midodes29
    midodes29 Posts: 10 Member
    i lost 10lbs in 26 days... :)
  • Dayeonaira
    Dayeonaira Posts: 12 Member
    I have been Doing MFP for roughly two weeks i have lost just over 8lbs, I think when it comes to your diet diary and MFPs calculatuion it seems to be pretty accurate however it does not take into consideration Stress, Time Of month, any of that its calculated based on how many calories you burn 3500 equals a pound of fat and it calculates based on you daily average. So it may be a good number to look at to keep you going but the weight loss is completley up to you, and i dont think any of us repeat our days over and over again, you burn calories in every activity you do such as typing on your keyboard, Also everyday it says in 5 weeks 5 weeks so as you day changes so does the expected date you will reach that loss.

    Keep up the good work everyone, Just being on MFP shows you care about your weight you health and your self. You can do it, like Arnold Schwarzenegger would say "ITS NOT WHERE YOU START, ITS WHERE YOU END UP"
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    I've lost 12 pounds in 40 days.
  • heatherterp
    heatherterp Posts: 239
    I am down about 10 pounds a month, but when I started I had a lot to drop. I have documented every so often the 5 weeks I would be the MFP says at the end of a day. They are very close. I did it back in December and I was within 3 pounds of what they said. Then today was the 5 week mark and again I was 2.8 pound heavier than they predicted. I will take it. I know it changes every day, but when it is giving me a number close for a few days then I will write it on the calendar just so I know. I am impressed by the accuracy.
  • annafonte
    annafonte Posts: 82 Member
    I've lost 13 pounds in three weeks :)
  • gatorgirlyyy
    I was interested in that too so 5 weeks ago as at 31 March I should be be down to 98.2kg (216pnds) started at 103.4kg (227.5pnd). I am currently 99.6 (219.1pnd) so I have one week to lose 1.4kg (3.1pnd), will be close but dont think I will quite make it. As for inches gone from 53 round my tummy to 47, waist 39 to 34 so pretty good I think. I am happy :o)

    Amazing progress, hun! Keep it up!
  • gatorgirlyyy
    I've been here a few days shy of 8 weeks. My next weigh in is in the morning. So far i've lost 23 pounds and 13.2 inches overall. I lost 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks, 3 the 3rd week, and averaged 1-2 since then. My ticker says 69 pounds, the rest was lost prior to mfp, it's there to remind e how far i've come.

    You as well! Keep it up. You're doing wonderful!
  • lpekny
    lpekny Posts: 63 Member
    i just weighed my self on my Wii Fit and and in 6 weeks, I have lost 2.6 lbs. I have been losing slow. I just recently upped my calories from 1200 to around 1650 or so. I have also been doing Jillian's Ripped in 30. I have 3 days left on it. I was exausted at the lower calories. Now I am feeling so much better. I have 17 pounds till I get to my goal of 140lbs. I would like to see the pounds come off more quickly, but at the same time, I want to feel good and not lose any lean body mass, so I am happy with the slower weight loss.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I lost 10 pounds in 5 weeks.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    i am losing about a pound a week.