

  • I'll have to research this, but honestly, it's going to have to wait for a bit. I have 5 "boost" or spot radiation treatments left, but right now my energy is at an all time low, my emotions are brittle and my underarm area/under breast is a ring of fire. I am being treated with a state of the art machine, but that doesn't…
  • I would be very interested in what hormones are contained in herbal teas. Soy extract, yes, but what other plants and which hormones? They would have to be biological analogs like the phytoestrogens in soy, as there are very few bioidenticals between animal and plant hormones.
  • Hey Carl, If my husband and I are any example for you, he is well endowed and so am I, but we still have our issues. It doesn't make a bit of difference to the kind of person you are whether you are big or small in any department, it's the kind of soul you carry around inside that body of yours. If folks spent more time…
    in Size Comment by Chocomoose542 March 2012
  • Hey everybody, I'm a newbie looking for a comfortable place to land and relax a while. My history is that I had endometrial cancer, diagnosed in Dec. 2008, and had a laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy plus a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (in everyday language, they removed ALL my plumbing!) plus 13 lymph…