

  • You creep! Funny-ha-ha-NOT!! :-)
  • Sarsimann, that is AWESOME. You had your hands on them and put them down. Ooooo, touch you! Way to go!
  • I fought (and won) the War of Eating Out. I often bring my lunch to work. I rarely eat it! Today I ate my soup and my salad that I brought from home. This afternoon I resisted the chocolate urge and ate my greek yogurt instead. So far, so good! I appreciate hearing everyone else's successes. It really helps me to stay on…
  • Durn, I'd love to do TWENTY! I can only do 7 without stopping. Keep up the great work!
  • Hey, that's a really good one!! Reminds me of the last time I went to Busch Gardens and rode the Super Swing with my 4-yr-old son. How embarrassing! My bloated hips and butt could barely squeeze into the seat and I'm pretty sure it was an ugly sight to see if you were sitting behind me. I probably looked like one of those…
  • I'd like to be able to cross my legs comfortably :)
  • Prick skins, wrap in foil and cook on med-to-med/low for 20-30 depending on size of potato. Rotate a couple of times while cooking. Easy peezy lemon squeezy!
  • Get some zucchini and yellow squash, slice the long way to about 1/8 inch (if they are long ones, you might have to chop in half first). Brush with olive oil or spray with Pam, then sprinkle with WEBER'S ZESTY LEMON seasoning. Grill! The Weber's can be hard to find so if you can't find it, just use a combination of…
  • The double standard just doesn't make sense to me... I mean, Jillian Anderson is plastered on t.v., magazines, even on the header of this site in the skimpiest workout clothes you can buy and I don't hear anyone griping. Why shouldn't YOU wear your sports bra in your own gym?
  • "Girl if you're toned or buff, sport it. If not cover that *kitten* up. Seriously, I have not and will not ever get to sport just the sports bra look. I give other people the courtesy of covering up. I ask that they do the same. Love yourself at home in your house for your eyes only. " LOL! That is so funny. And I have to…
  • Dear BeautyFromPai, You're so brave to talk about this. I can relate to the one piece of toast, then two, then three.... Sometimes I'll eat a PBJ sandwich and it just doesn't satisfy and--against all reason--I need another. There's been lots of great posts so far, but I just want to add my experience. First, and most…
  • Yes to the TWO dog suggestion! That's a great idea. Dogs are pack animals and they do need company, so if you're not there, you have to do something...either doggie day care (which dogs always LOVE, LOVE, LOVE) or get him a companion, or hire a pet sitter to come in every day. I"m grateful you even asked. A lot of selfish…
  • [ Geez, I'm getting this all screwed up. The reply is supposed to be directed to the initiator, SereneTranquil...] ALL OF Y'ALL, JUST HANG IN THERE! That should just about cover it, then. Right.
  • [ Ooops, I meant to say, "doing 20% on level 3..." ]
  • KristieLynn, Don't you love that you can come to this site and vent about how hard it is and share how you're struggling? Imagine if you had to do this alone. As you can see from other posts, you are not alone! I say hang in there and give it a few more tries. Doing 80% on level 3 is still better than sitting on the couch,…
  • Uh, no. I don't think your MIL knows what she's talking about. She's probably just an anomaly. Good for her. Me, on the other hand... what boobs? I'm 238 lbs and just now filling out a B. I've always had very small breasts and I've only now gotten to the point where I look womanly. But alas, it's not worth it. I'd give…
  • Hi, again, all. Thanks for the positive posts. I see a lot of similar struggles with losing weight, feeling great and then putting it back on. ONe person mentioned stress eating and I can totally relate to that. On Sunday I lost my 17-yr-old cat and so I just turned to food for comfort. When I logged in the calories for…
  • Hi, Jo. My name is Dawn and I started a program last Thursday. I am 5'4", 42 years old and hoping to lose 70 pounds (I cringe as I write that). I'm at an all-time high of 238. For my diet I am focusing on high protein, low carbs, low fat, and limiting myself to 1400 calories a day. (My fitness pal defaulted to 1200…