What did you resist today and opt for instead?



  • SarsiMann
    Wanted Doritos and pop. Had my hand on tgem but opted for a kashi bar instead. Although I could have worked it into my calories, is empty foods :( THAT WAS HARD!!!
  • BartsGurl
    I fought (and won) the War of Eating Out. I often bring my lunch to work. I rarely eat it! Today I ate my soup and my salad that I brought from home. This afternoon I resisted the chocolate urge and ate my greek yogurt instead. So far, so good! I appreciate hearing everyone else's successes. It really helps me to stay on track!
  • BartsGurl
    Wanted Doritos and pop. Had my hand on tgem but opted for a kashi bar instead. Although I could have worked it into my calories, is empty foods :( THAT WAS HARD!!!

    Sarsimann, that is AWESOME. You had your hands on them and put them down. Ooooo, touch you! Way to go!
  • BartsGurl
    Resisted the Protein Shake and Banana breakfast; Had a Sausage Egg McMuffin & hashbrowns intead. :bigsmile:

    You creep! Funny-ha-ha-NOT!! :-)
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    My old thinking tells me I require something sweet after a meal. Today, I ate lunch and wanted desperately to eat a piece of candy (I keep sugar free ones in my drawer at work for a treat now and again) right after. Instead, I grabbed a bottle of water and told myself if I still wanted a candy in an hour and after the water, then I really wanted one. Otherwise, it was just old behavior creeping back up.
  • DandieBandie
    I opted out of the frozen coffee at DD and got an iced coffee with skim milk instead....I'm going lap swimming later and deserve a little Java!