30 Day Shred Level 3....feeling down

So I just moved on to 30DS level 3 this morning and it was....well a total flop! Level 1 was was good, I did fine. Level 2 was more intense but I really enjoyed it and did well but level 3 leaves me feeling like a fish out of water and a total failure. I couldn't do a good 80% of the moves and my "attempts" were pathetic. I'm kind of having a down morning as it is and this did not help.

I'm not sure what to do. Should I keep trying at level 3 even though I am not getting any "real" workout or should I do level 2 and challenge myself more or just find something else to do that I enjoy and that works me? I have a pelvic diastasis from pregnancies and a lot of the moves in level 3 really seem to irritate that but then again a lot of the moves in level 3 I just flat out cannot preform too so I don't know if I am just making excuses. Any suggestions?


  • serenetranquility
    serenetranquility Posts: 125 Member
  • lpekny
    lpekny Posts: 63 Member
    I had a hard time on some of the moves too. I am currnetly doing Ripped in 30 and some of the moves a hard as well. I would recomend to keep plugging away. Focus on the modified moves and do them the best you can. They do get a little easier each day you try them. Do not feel down!! It is a hard workout!! Just do the best you can!!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Don't feel down! It's a hard workout, you can do it! Just ease into the moves, if you can't do they completely, at least go halfway. You can do it!
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I had a hard time on some of the moves too. I am currnetly doing Ripped in 30 and some of the moves a hard as well. I would recomend to keep plugging away. Focus on the modified moves and do them the best you can. They do get a little easier each day you try them. Do not feel down!! It is a hard workout!! Just do the best you can!!

    What this poster said ^ Keep trying, don't give up, it DOES get easier. I PROMISE you.
  • serenetranquility
    serenetranquility Posts: 125 Member
    Don't feel down! It's a hard workout, you can do it! Just ease into the moves, if you can't do they completely, at least go halfway. You can do it!

    I think thats part of why I am feeling down. There are some that no matter how hard I try I can't even do halfway. Like the "superman" one and then the ab part of circuit 3....just can not get them done no matter how hard I try.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    If you can't do those moves just make sure you don't stop, do jumping jacks or jump rope to keep the heart rate up. I do lots of videos and I refuse to do burpees on any of them, I just do jumping jacks instead. I am sure that as long as you are moving it is fine.
  • I am still on level one....althoug i dont do this dvd every evening. I alternate. Not sure if it will be benefical by alternating but...better than not doing it at all. If i make it to level 2 i will be glad. You are doing great that you even attempted level 3. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  • BeanyFrog13
    BeanyFrog13 Posts: 161 Member
    Don't feel bad at all!! I struggled to get to grips with some of the moves on level 1! I've never exercised really and I was having to stop and watch before I carried on! Maybe watch the DVD without actually doing the routine to get used to the order of things and to get used to how things look before giving it a go yourself, that way you're not struggling to learn a new routine AND do it all at once :) Keep going! You've come so far and you're doing brilliantly!
  • jbdowns35
    jbdowns35 Posts: 352
    I experienced the same thing when I tried to move on to level 3 of Ripped in 30. It kicked my butt, I quit half way thru the first time I tried & I went back to level 2 & stuck to it for awhile. But then I got irritated & decided to try it again. Still sucked, but I managed to pathetically finish it, taking breathers & doing the modified version. I hated every minute of it, which was discouraging cuz I loved L1 & L2. The next day, I went back to L2, & then L3 again & swithched back & forth for a week or two. It slowly got less difficult. Then I decided no more level 2 - I wanted to push myself. I've been doing L3 (not everyday, I do other Jillian dvds too) for a couple of weeks now & I can make it thru & I'm noticing the exercises I thought were impossible at first are actually do-able. If there is an exercise you just simply can't do, replce it with something else, for example, I used to HATE mountain climbers, so I did jumping jacks instead. But...now I can do the mountain climbers & it doesn't kill me!!! Keep pushing yourself, you can do it.
  • BartsGurl
    BartsGurl Posts: 19
    Don't you love that you can come to this site and vent about how hard it is and share how you're struggling? Imagine if you had to do this alone. As you can see from other posts, you are not alone! I say hang in there and give it a few more tries. Doing 80% on level 3 is still better than sitting on the couch, and if you keep focusing on what you can't do, you might get overwhelmed and quit altogether. If after a few more tries, you still feel like it's not working, then give yourself permission to try something else! Hang in there doll!
  • BartsGurl
    BartsGurl Posts: 19
    [ Ooops, I meant to say, "doing 20% on level 3..." ]
  • BartsGurl
    BartsGurl Posts: 19
    [ Geez, I'm getting this all screwed up. The reply is supposed to be directed to the initiator, SereneTranquil...]


    That should just about cover it, then. Right.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Don't give up! I felt that way with many of the moves in Level 1 until I got used to them AND I felt that way even more with level 2 but I just keep trying..

    Give it a few days. Keep trying and eventually your body will adapt! As long as you're doing SOMETHING you should be okay but if you just don't adapt you can go back to level 2.