Itaintnothang Member


  • You shouldn't be starving between shakes, have a snack like yogurt or a Kashi protein bar. I was hungry my second week but I talked to my coach and she helped me set up a timing guidline of when to eat that works with my schedule and I got some Snack Defense for when I drink alcohol and when I get mega cravings.
  • For those saying its a scam and have to buy products for quotas and blah blah blah... YOUR DISTRIBUTER is a scammer! not the products or the company!! I only have to buy what I want from my distributer, and only when I want... I'm not traped nor forced to spend money I don't have....
  • I do Cookies n Cream shakes and turn them into BUTTERFINGER! 1 tbs peanut butter (go for reduced fat or whipped) 1/2 tsp of chocolate jello pudding powder-unprepared sugar free 3 drops(estimate... just a smal itty bitty bit) of Caramel Extract Flavor YUMMMM!!!!!!!
  • I have been doing the 2 shakes a day and one regular, reasonable meal for 5 weeks now. I lost 10 lbs in the first week!! I have been loosing inches since day one! Still only lost 10 lbs, but have lost over 15 inches!! I take the Multi-Vitamin (formula 2) and the Cell Activator (formula 3) as well as Cell-U-Lose. I know its…
  • YES! I go through it everyday! Its like they are waiting for me to fall off the ban wagon and they will be here to catch me with a pile of junk food! I work in a Dispatch center and we always go out for lunch, Chili's, Chipotle, and tons of local places. Luckily I started working here at the same time I started changing my…