Any fellow Herbalifers out there???



  • RiverManUK
    RiverManUK Posts: 35 Member
    Hello! I just started the program on Wednesday (11/7/2012). I understand that there are people out there that do not agree with these types of programs but it works for me and I have a few friends that have lost anywhere from 50-over 100lbs on this program. The shakes are good for you and I don't feel its a waste of money . It is approx. $4.40 a meal and then I just eat a very colorful salad for my sensible meal. So I may spend a little over $10.00 a day for everything I eat. Everyone is intitaled to there opinion but I really think this site is for motivation and not negative comments. Every body is different and everyone needs to do what works for you. And for me there is a herbalife shake place at the end of my street. They are always packed and they always do free classes from Zumba, Cross Fit, skin care, shake recipes, etc. This is very motivating for me.
    I hope that you all reach your health and fitness goals and live a long healthy life.
    Good Luck

    True, we're here to motivate - not rip off.

    As for you, you could save yourself $3/day and buy any other meal replacement shake out there. And with the money saved you could then join a gym. More often than not gym membership includes free classes such as Zumba etc. where they are not trying to sell you anything.
  • ATester
    ATester Posts: 17 Member
    Yep. I'm doing herbalife. I have for a couple months and I love it.
  • Itaintnothang
    Itaintnothang Posts: 5 Member
    I have been doing the 2 shakes a day and one regular, reasonable meal for 5 weeks now. I lost 10 lbs in the first week!! I have been loosing inches since day one! Still only lost 10 lbs, but have lost over 15 inches!! I take the Multi-Vitamin (formula 2) and the Cell Activator (formula 3) as well as Cell-U-Lose. I know its pricy but I'm desperate to finally find something that works and if at the end of 6 months I have spent $1,000 to finally get down to my ideal weight, that I have been struggling with and unhappy with for 10 years, IT IS WORTH IT! Plus I don't have to spend much in groceries, so it almost balances out.

    I also keep Thermo Bond and Snack Defense Handy, LIFE SAVERS!!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Is this like a club for potheads? :huh:

    Shame, shame on all of you!
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    It's not snake oil. It's not a scam. The shakes are delicious. BUT. It's just a protein powder. I'm not trying to lose weight but I do enjoy the shakes from my local herbalife based shop in my apartment complex (we have a strip mall.) I did buy some stuff for my own shakes and it is a bit more expensive than just buying one container of protein powder. the herbalife shakes mix one scoop protein powder and one scoop "healthy meal" which is just like a powdered multivitamin.

    Yes, you lose weight on it because the shakes serve as meal replacements. After you reach your goal weight you cut back to 1 shake to replace 1 meal instead of 2 shakes replacing 2 meals. And you have to keep exercising.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Is this like a club for potheads? :huh:

    Shame, shame on all of you!

    puff puff I will pass!:angry:
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    It's not snake oil. It's not a scam. The shakes are delicious. BUT. It's just a protein powder. I'm not trying to lose weight but I do enjoy the shakes from my local herbalife based shop in my apartment complex (we have a strip mall.) I did buy some stuff for my own shakes and it is a bit more expensive than just buying one container of protein powder. the herbalife shakes mix one scoop protein powder and one scoop "healthy meal" which is just like a powdered multivitamin.

    Yes, you lose weight on it because the shakes serve as meal replacements. After you reach your goal weight you cut back to 1 shake to replace 1 meal instead of 2 shakes replacing 2 meals. And you have to keep exercising.

    It's overpriced.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    I'm day 5 into herbalife and LOVE it!!! becoming a coach n the 1st!!!!!

    good luck, but there are better ways to make some spare cash. have you considered Amway?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    My former sister-in-law used it. She lost a lot of weight. Then she gained it all back plus about 30 extra pounds. She could have gained 30 pounds in the first place for free.

    Anyway, good luck.
  • I'm day 5 into herbalife and LOVE it!!! becoming a coach n the 1st!!!!!
    I eat regular food, spare my bank account, and LOVE it!!!
  • I don't get it...why not just eat a meal with a comparable calorie count....the benefit of that being you get to CHEW your food which we as adults are supposed to do(not to mention our stomach and intestines is designed to digest food) and you also learn the ins and outs of eating and preparing proper nutritious meals. By replacing real food with liquid food you are not learning how to do this for life.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    I'm day 5 into herbalife and LOVE it!!! becoming a coach n the 1st!!!!!
    I eat regular food, spare my bank account, and LOVE it!!!

    but are you signed up to become a coach? i thought not!
  • CelebrateLife
    CelebrateLife Posts: 247 Member
    How does this teach you to lead a healthier balanced lifestyle?

    You lose weight on it because they are meal replacement shakes if that your way if doing it why nit go to the health food store and get one that is nutritionally balanced and not over priced

    You're basically having a meal replacement Shake for breakfast and lunch and a regulated dinner - salad and a peice of meat soup .. Your snacks which you're paying an arm and a leg for and the teas - Well anyone can Lose weight quickly by doing that
    Why not do it of your own -as I said purchase a protein meal replacement shake and drink green tea that's really what you're drinking- and save your money

    After you get off the product having spent well over $1'000.00 oh but the there's the maintenance program so you'd have to spend more than that...... Your skin is all loose and sagging after the weight lose so how is that possibly a good weight lose regimen !?!

    I've tried it ..... It's just like you're on starvation!
  • CelebrateLife
    CelebrateLife Posts: 247 Member
    Oh by the way it really messes with you system you discover that later because your intestines need to work on a daily basis by chewing your food -- research it
  • RiverManUK
    RiverManUK Posts: 35 Member
    Yes, you lose weight on it because the shakes serve as meal replacements. After you reach your goal weight you cut back to 1 shake to replace 1 meal instead of 2 shakes replacing 2 meals. And you have to keep exercising.

    I get the idea of using meal replacement shakes when you're trying to lose weight.
    But hang on, why do you need a meal replacement shake when you've reached your goal? Oh wait, of course, if you didn't the snake oil salesman wouldn't continue to make any money out of you.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Eat real food for the same amount of calories and you will lose just the same but in a healthier way.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    The question isn't how people are doing after 5 days, or a couple of weeks, or even a few months. It's how are they doing a few years later, when they are eating real food. Is that weight still gone? Now those are the stories I would want to hear. Until then, I won't believe that much other than eating real, wholesome food at a calorie deficit is the way to go.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    my good friend is a coach. I bought the protein powder and add it to pancakes and oatmeal and such. here and there
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    i don't use it as a meal replacement. Just added nutrients