Any fellow Herbalifers out there???



  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    i don't use it as a meal replacement. Just added nutrients

    If you eat a healthy diet then you shouldn't need to spend money on extra nutrients unless of course you have some medical issue.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Well, I've been using Herbalife products for about 10 months or so, and have lost more than 30 pounds of fat, added about 12 lbs of muscle and I recently got myself into a pair of size ten skinny jeans. Down from a size 16/18.
    As for the "scam" claim, here's a dictionary definition of the word scam: "a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation." If it works, then it's not "fraudulent" and is therefore not a scam.

    I thought you got your muscle from lifting heavy?
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    my hubby got me started august last year. We've been off and on, but since July I've been getting back into it more. I love the shakes and the 2 nutrition clubs by us. My hubby is a distributor, so we have shake stuff here at home, too. My kids love the shakes, too.

    I am hoping to one day make it to one of the weight loss challenges. I haven't been able to yet b/c of not having anyone to watch my 3 boys.

    anyone can friend me if they'd like. I'd love to have someone who into herbalife around.

    I hope this is not the way you are teaching your children to eat or about nutrition. That is not healthy.

    For those of you claiming that it's not a IS a scam. You have to continue buy products, and once you reach your goal you will have to continue to buy the products or you will gain it all back. Find me ONE person that lost all of their weight using this product, reached their goal, began eating real food again, and kept the weight off. THEN, tell me that it's not a scam.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Not feeling clever.

    Herbalife is stupid. Anyone who gets sucked in will feel stupid later. Save yourself the embarrassment. If you've already gotten sucked in, finish the product you have, and get out before you get to the point where your family and friends defriend you on facebook. Swindling other people under the guise of saving face when you feel stupid is not OK.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Yuck - tried it and it's horrid. And expensive - I suggest eatng instead?
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Eat real food for the same amount of calories and you will lose just the same but in a healthier way.

    Crazy talk!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I'd probably save money switching to this. My baked fresh fish and sushi habit is breaking my bank.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Well, I've been using Herbalife products for about 10 months or so, and have lost more than 30 pounds of fat, added about 12 lbs of muscle and I recently got myself into a pair of size ten skinny jeans. Down from a size 16/18.
    As for the "scam" claim, here's a dictionary definition of the word scam: "a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation." If it works, then it's not "fraudulent" and is therefore not a scam.

  • Itaintnothang
    Itaintnothang Posts: 5 Member
    For those saying its a scam and have to buy products for quotas and blah blah blah... YOUR DISTRIBUTER is a scammer! not the products or the company!! I only have to buy what I want from my distributer, and only when I want... I'm not traped nor forced to spend money I don't have....
  • kenyabenya
    for a second i almost felt bad for doing the herbalife program. BUT the topic simply states "any fellow herbalifets out there", so if youre not doing the program; why are you commenting. your rudeness not needed. everybody is different and goes about things differently. Please dont reply with rudess. you do it your way, imma do it mine!******BOOM******

    Fellow Herablifer!
  • crazy4fids
    I have the same problem (on the herbalife program). I plan on purchasing some of the Personal Protein Powder, and the Berry flavored drink mix. This should help meet your protein number for the day.
  • TennisQtpye
    TennisQtpye Posts: 110 Member
    I just started I'm on day 4! Not too bad so far. I'm just trying it for 10 days to get out if a plateau I hope it works
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If you guys want to blow your cash on some network marketing scam that's your choice, but I don't think you should be peddling your snake oil here.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    For those saying its a scam and have to buy products for quotas and blah blah blah... YOUR DISTRIBUTER is a scammer! not the products or the company!! I only have to buy what I want from my distributer, and only when I want... I'm not traped nor forced to spend money I don't have....

    There is truth in this statement.

    Let people buy "snake oil" if they choose. It's their wallet, not yours. No one is initiating force against you, and you are not a superhero out to save the world. I would buy it if it had anything good in it. But from the products I've seen, there's nothing I want, so I don't buy it.
  • Shutupandshrink
    I don't think I understand this site.. I thought we were supposed to be encouraging each other? All I see is people talking down to those who try something a little different that their way. I think Herbalife is a great option for someone who is on the go and doesn't have much time to sit down to a meal or doesn't have a family to cook for. I have been on this for about two week (just the powder, not any of the supplements) and I honestly feel great. It's changed how I used to feel about sugars snacks and fast food. Now I crave fruits and veggies and my taste buds can pretty much detect when there's artificial flavoring in things like sugary drinks and things of that nature. The first week I lost five pounds and a couple inches around my waist. I am also working out and eating healthy snacks and one meal a day. I don't feel starved or fatigued at all from these products. Just because someone pays a little more money for something does not make it a scam. It's just different, and it's everyone's individual decision to make that choice for themselves.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    This is a heath and fitness site which is why things like Herbalife are not popular. They aren't real food and real food is healthiest.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I don't think I understand this site.. I thought we were supposed to be encouraging each other? All I see is people talking down to those who try something a little different that their way. I think Herbalife is a great option for someone who is on the go and doesn't have much time to sit down to a meal or doesn't have a family to cook for. I have been on this for about two week (just the powder, not any of the supplements) and I honestly feel great. It's changed how I used to feel about sugars snacks and fast food. Now I crave fruits and veggies and my taste buds can pretty much detect when there's artificial flavoring in things like sugary drinks and things of that nature. The first week I lost five pounds and a couple inches around my waist. I am also working out and eating healthy snacks and one meal a day. I don't feel starved or fatigued at all from these products. Just because someone pays a little more money for something does not make it a scam. It's just different, and it's everyone's individual decision to make that choice for themselves.

    Why would we encourage something we do not think is a good idea?
  • sosas1
    Its funny isnt it the healthy food advice you can find. Eat a balanced diet with meat and vegetables but dont eat too much red meat, potatoes dont count, that food is processed, that one has too much salt, eat 5 fruit and veg a day, no wait eat 7, hang on 9 will do, thats pumped full of water. Nutrition is so vague these days that either everyone is right or everyone is wrong. I have learnt from all this that I am only allowerd to eat chicken and fish if I want to be healthy. So I have decided I dont care. I have herbalife and I only buy "organic", so it claims, food for dinner. Excellent little farm shop near Byfleet.

    by the way, I went to a pub the other day and there was a bloody snake oil seller there. It turns out that is you stop buying and drinking stop being drunk and become sober. Didn't seem to stop the hundreds of people clogging the bar. Its a lifestyle choice and makes some people happy whether permenantly effective or not.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Well, I've been using Herbalife products for about 10 months or so, and have lost more than 30 pounds of fat, added about 12 lbs of muscle and I recently got myself into a pair of size ten skinny jeans. Down from a size 16/18.
    As for the "scam" claim, here's a dictionary definition of the word scam: "a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation." If it works, then it's not "fraudulent" and is therefore not a scam.

    I thought you got your muscle from lifting heavy?

    At $4.5 a meal that's $135 dollars a pound so far. Sure. Doesn't sound like a scam. Not. At. All. Nope. :huh:
  • sosas1
    Interesting thing statistics. Its something like 29c per gram. Play it as you will. If that 13Kg loss was originally your doctor telling you you were in medical danger of perhaps a heart attack and any kind of nutritional system changed you lifestyle to reduce that risk then knowledge, belief or even desperation would make it worth trying. The help they could receive wouldnt just alter their diet plan, it would alter their whole life style and if it gets too expensive then unless they are stupid I am sure they will stop. The amount of reduced fat foods there are out there which replace natural fats or sugars with E numbers and rubbish....Supermarket food isnt as healthy as people make out. The re-eductation of diets is so much more than saying to people "its a scam" "your are wasting your money" its sharing idea on meals. A high carb diet for one person cos they are active wont suit a low active person so it is very much upto the individual to work out what suggestions are worth trying.