I'll answer any questions that you send my way. Apparently, I'm "not nice" to people that struggle with discipline and committing to their goals. I may not be a good "friend", but I know that I am a great resource. Feel free to PM me, or put your questions on my feed - maybe your question can help someone else as well.
P90X is not "weight lifting". That's like calling Tai-Bo "martial arts". (On the other hand, I don't think a steroid using "strongman" is relevant to the discussion...)
This. Usually our bodies will auto-regulate and give us cravings for things it needs. Some of the things it thinks it wants, it doesn't really need - but some times, deficiency in a particular vitamin or mineral can cause intense cravings. You also might just be in a state of combustion. Combustable foods don't "stick to…
In evolutionary terms, human beings are mostly the same organisms that we were 1000's of years ago. Our environment is completely different in terms of activities (expenditure) and food resources (intake). If we get back to the basics, we can thrive. Eat like your ancestors.
Instead of trying to get into your head, I'll tell you how you can understand your own head better. "Motivational Interviewing and Self-Determination Theory" If your eyes glaze over (like mine do), skip to…
Pilates? How about a simple calisthenic conditioning program using full ROM? I wouldn't call yoga "stretching". Every serious yogi I've met has legit function and body control. I don't do abs. If you train hard your abs will get fried. If you get lean your abs will show.
PR's are made to be broken. Congrats on the big wheels.
:-/ I don't know your trainer, but I would recommend a different approach. Dynamic warm up and mobility work should be first. Compound core or power movements next. Assistance resistance exercises next. Followed by conditioning complexes or additional mobility work - or both. Activating the quads before a workout is only…
I would love to know your daughter's training numbers! Have her PM me if she is on here! to the OP. Don't stop lifting unless your goal is to be 120-140lbs, and even then, I would suggest retaining as much muscle as possible on your cut (aka lifting as heavy as possible)
Chris, are you ok? Want to address someone specifically? It'd be nice if you could stop calling people idiots and ****heads. Obviously people are allowed to disagree... Maybe they just aren't as smart as you!
Haha yeah! It definitely is the riskiest move in my training book since it's so aggressive. Apart from making you into an over yak-beast-freak, the clean thickens the arms and upper back muscles better than anything else, IMO. Thanks for the nod! I hope to set some serious PR's in the months to come as this is my strength…
I never told him to switch. I told him to get the ebook, study, get into the philosophy... I ended with "don't switch once you begin"...once you begin. I know programming. I don't even know this guy's functional movement/ limitations are - so let's not even go there. He might actually benefit from yoga more than anything.…
Tragically, I don't think you're being sarcastic... A pound of feathers and a pound of lead both weigh a pound. Don't think to hard about it (please). :|
THIS. This. this. Jnick is right. Pick a solid strength training program and get into the logic behind it. Understand what the author is saying and commit to 12-16 weeks of the program before you even think of switching things once you begin. I use Wendler 5/3/1 for last several months to rebound from bodybuilding contest…
Oooooh this is EVIL!!! I like it....mwauhahahaha!
The youtube video that I was referring to has beginner level plyometrics in it. Make sure you can do those easily before progressing to harder plyos. Treat plyo work like power work if you are after increased athletic performance...Treat plyo like cardio/conditioning if you are after an athletic appearance (as opposed to…
Search "Team Pink Conditioning Complex" on youtube and you will see a room full of women going through a series of bodyweight exercises. Use those and go from there. Get checked by a doc first if you are unsure of your readiness
Top 3 in No Particular Order... SLEEP/Recovery HYDRATION Stretching/Mobility (this includes cool down, stretching, foam rolling) Also...alcohol around your workouts will increase DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)
100's of people know me as a fitness professional, so the accountability couldn't be any higher. Knowing that they are looking to me as an example and inspiration - this inspires me to stay the course and give it my all! It's really cool IMO
This... The after burn is real...The after burn is good. BTW, Old school physique athletes trained with intensity and ate with discipline. They had very lean aesthetics without any form of traditional cardio. A good example of the after burn effect of intense activity - SPRINTING. Sprinters perform "cardio" sessions that…
Good w Yoga. Mobility work has to be a part of any program. Do your best to achieve the flexibility required for a full range "Overhead Squat" with a broomstick, pvc, or even an outstretched towel. I currently train over 100 individuals and athletes that can do this perform better and safer.
I have no physiological basis/data for this, but I guess the damaged tissue could lead to swelling/water retention within the muscle. I suppose this could lead to some "weight gain" but idk about 6lbs. If you were dehydrated on day 1, and fully hydrated on day 8, then sure. I've had guys show 20+ lbs increase in LBM in 1…
Hi, I'm always a fan of eating the calories that I have budgeted. If your plan is accurate, then stick with it. Realize that the activity in your day can vary throughout the week, so while you may burn 1700 Monday you might burn 1530 on Wednesday - and this isn't even considering workouts. Just general activity can vary…
Hi, If you are going to be doing classes as part of your exercise programming, I would suggest trying yoga... If you have a knowledgeable instructor they will make sure that you have full range of motion(ROM) and posture for a lot of the basic movements like squatting, lunging, bending, twisting, reaching overhead. If you…
Looks like it tastes like...guilt. I'll use my calories on food that makes me feel good about myself - before, during, and after the meal.
Hey Moonpie :) Don't be too hard on yourself... If you have really made the decision to be healthier, then act on it and commit! If you live in a warm area, make a point to go for 30 minute walks every day this week. It is a great way to start. LMK how I can help
I tend to favor this calculated approach to my "lifestyle" (lol at people being afraid of the word diet)... But everyone is different. Type A - Type Z. If you like control and planning, then you can have your cake and enjoy it too :)
Oh yeah... consider looking into planned cheat meals. Throughout my extreme dieting/contest prep, I used weekly refeeds/cheats to restore glycogen/ increase leptin. If your cheat is planned and calculated, the guilt goes away - which leads to much more satisfaction :)
Hi - I would recommend sticking to the plan. I have to add though, your plan needs to be sound - consisting of a informed diet plan and a sufficiently challenging training program.