

  • thank you so much for all of your inputs, guys!! Tomorrow I will start the day with a ready mindset!!! THANK YOU!
  • I drink about the same about - can't go one hour without water!! I asked my family doctor about this last time I went (because I was worried, too, since sometimes I drink more than 6 500mL bottles a day) and he said that as long as I'm not waking up in the middle of the night to pee, I'm okay. Hope that helped!
  • Thank you so much for posting about binge eating, and most importantly, changing the mindset behind it! I am the same way! As soon as I have a cookie or a piece of chocolate on a day that I swear to not consume any sweets, I tell myself "might as well eat all the sweets you want now, since you've just ruined it! We'll just…
  • Not eat any type of sweets (I'm a sucker for chocolate and cookies and CAKE) - replace them with fruits + nuts!