clynn215 Member


  • Hi All! I just started Stage 1 yesterday! BUT of course I have a question already! I got nauseous during and at the end of the workout and and am still feeling nauseous! I had a protein smoothie when I got home for the gym and then had planned on having salmon for dinner but still felt full and nauseated after the shake!…
    in Stage 1 Comment by clynn215 May 2013
  • I'm somewhat new to Paleo (January with some cheating most recently) and starting a 10 day version of the Whole 30 today to kill my cravings and get me back on track!! I've lost 10lbs so far and looking to lose at least 25 more! I'm planning on training for a Half Marathon over the summer as well as starting New Rules of…
  • The calories you leave uneaten at the end of the day...are they the calories you earned from working out or are you just not eating your recommend calorie alotment? Most people refuse to listen to this advice, but eat more! Your body needs a certain amount of calories to function daily (not just BMR) and if you eat below…