

  • This thread is too funny.
  • I'm in.
  • Ice cream and Mt Dew. Along with getting off my *kitten* and exercising again.
  • You can do this. All of out here think you can. Whenever you feel like giving up, and we have all beeen there, that is when you really need to dig in. You'll never know what you are giivng up. It will be great when you start reaching your goals. I also agree with baby steps. When it seems like the mountain is to great to…
  • Well, obviously, you can be assaulted anywhere. Some areas are higher risk than others and you need to use common sense. But, can you not drive to a nicer neaighborhood or park area and exercise. Or, find a partner to workout with. Odds on being attacked etc.... while not alone drop fairly significantly. If you feel the…
  • Just sit her down and tell her how much you love her. Do it today don't wait and/or assume she knows this. Tell her you want to look good her her as much as you want to be healthy for yourself. Encourage her to exercise with you and eat healthier etc. Include her. Even if she struggles.... be there for her. See if she…
  • I am not a big fan of makeup overall. But, everyone is different. Maybe some need some, others don't for various reasons. My girl doesn't need makeup and I have always told her that. She is beautiful to me and doesn't need any help. When she does wear makeup... she looks fantastic, but all I'm saying is that she doesn't…
  • Ok. First, you are beautiful in who you are. Don't ever let anyone take that away from you. As for the "judgemental" mother.... I know you would like her approval etc... but, what is most important is the relationship you have with your boyfriend and that he loves you, supports you and takes care of you. He could also talk…
  • Absolutely... set some goals. You don't need to go crazy or becaome obsessive about goals... but, thye will help guide and motivate you. Set an overall goal of where you want to be and then chip away at it in pieces. Remember, this is more of a journey, not instant gratification. Unless, you try one of the surgeries that…
  • People that do not use their turn signals and people that don't tell the truth/hide things.
  • Really, it depends on the individual. Some as you see on here... it is easier to run/walk outside. As a rule of thumb though, most find the treadmill a lot easier. I do. The treadmill moves the ground for you. So, you are basically lifting your feet and putting them back down again. The treadmill propels for you. Outside,…