Foods you had to cut out of diet to lose weight?



  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    Processed and fried foods=the devil. Stay away...
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    This thread makes me sad. So many people cutting out so much tasty stuff. Hope you didn't truly love any of it and hope you are cool going without it for the rest of your life.............

    I don't think you're actually sad for others. I think you thought about the idea of cutting out certain foods and it made *you* sad for how you thought it would make *you* feel. And the good news is, people can always add back whatever foods they want later on in their journey.

    This is an interesting thought.....If people feel they need to cut these things out to lose the weight now why would they add them back in later? what would change then? Why not eat now how you would want to eat later? Again....if the change is forever Im all for it........What I am against is people radically cutting out foods only to add them back and gain the weight back later........I've done's not fun.
  • pop tarts. my kids love them and beg me to get them but i can't because i know i will wind up eating them. i can literally tell on the scale the day after i eat them...horrible things.
  • I have cut out fast food and non diet soda. Otherwise I just watch the amount of things I am eating. I want to have a healthier diet in the long run and I am changing the way I look at food. Now instead of grabbing chips and candy for a late night snack I go for the sugar free jello and pudding made with skim milk. I've been slowly changing the way I eat for the last month and it is working. I don't deny myself the chips and candy but I do make sure that I only have one serving instead of the entire bag.
    My fiance is ridiculously supportive to me and I find that the most helpful tool I have at my disposal.
  • jllove871
    jllove871 Posts: 84 Member
    This thread makes me sad. So many people cutting out so much tasty stuff. Hope you didn't truly love any of it and hope you are cool going without it for the rest of your life.............

    I don't think you're actually sad for others. I think you thought about the idea of cutting out certain foods and it made *you* sad for how you thought it would make *you* feel. And the good news is, people can always add back whatever foods they want later on in their journey.

    Absolutely we can always reicorporate in moderation, I think we sometimes forget that option.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I cut out a whole bunch of stuff in the beginning. It made me depressed that I couldn't have them, so I brought them ALL back. Oddly enough, when I did that, I was happy and my weight found a happy place.
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    Soda, it was the one largest trigger that led to eating other junk.
  • Ice cream and Mt Dew. Along with getting off my *kitten* and exercising again.
  • Alcohol. - I still have the odd drink but if exercise more before a night out (then stick to vodka)
    pizza - if desperate use a wrap for base and make my own.
    Chololate biscuits sweet - switched to titc tacs instead if craving sweet stuff.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I didn't cut out anything that I really loved or enjoyed. I cut out soda, but that wasn't as difficult for me as it seems to be for some people, and it's not as if I consider soda some huge treat. :smile:

    Foods I love to eat that aren't particularly healthy....pasta with alfredo, cheesecake, tiramisu, big, fat, juicy cheeseburgers, fried ANYTHING......I didn't cut out completely. I still induldge on occasion, but I have made the decision that those things are not a part of my daily or even my weekly diet. I would be so sad if I could NEVER eat any of those I still eat them, just in moderation. :heart:

    When I first started this weight loss journey, I didn't have "cheat days" or "cheat meals", so yes.....for a period of time, I gave up those things.....but I didn't give up anything forever except for sodas.

    Felt like I should clarify. :tongue:
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    It isn't a diet is a life style change. Forever.
  • fabfindz05
    fabfindz05 Posts: 92 Member
    Never cut anything out, but I cut DOWN on fast food and cake.
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    You have to cut everything out. Seriously. Just stop eating. You will lose weight way faster

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I probably shouldn't even comment in threads like this. I cut out a lot of foods (grains, legumes, added sugar, dairy), but I am and have been for 8+ months actively trying to *gain* weight. (Prior to that, I spent ~6 months reaching a weight that was as low as I was willing to go and started rebuilding from there.)

    So is this a "lifestyle change" that I'm willing to do for the rest of my life? Maybe. Maybe not. But who cares? I still actively manage my calories to achieve a certain goal regardless of the types of foods I do/do not eat. Sure, I can do that by eating the same foods that other eat, but I have chosen a different path. I have chosen a path that I believe is optimal for my health. I understand the slight sense of panic that others may feel when they consider giving up certain foods. I had it too when I first considered this path...but very quickly, once eliminated, that feeling went away (along with any cravings I had for that food).

    I also suspect that this idea of some people giving up certain foods makes people in the EIM crowd uneasy because it challenges their idea that "there are no bad foods". We could argue about the definition of "bad", but I'll instead say that I am actively choosing to eat more nutrient dense foods. As a consequence, I am also choosing not to eat less nutrient dense foods. I could choose to eat *fewer* of these foods, but I have chosen to eat *none* of them instead.

    The goods news for everyone who is on the EIM path is that I am not telling you your approach is wrong. I am, however, saying that there is another path that *may* work for others, (and to hear some tell them that their approach is wrong can be slightly irritating).

    (ETA: I really need to stop overusing the word "path" makes me sound like I'm describing some kind of spiritual journey.)
  • I haven't cut out anything, but have had to seriously cut down on stuff like biscuits, cake and puddings. I still indulge when i need to and don't feel guilty about it. I would feel guilty however if i cut them out, then craved them then had a binge. The key for me is to eat them in a controlled way, and not miss out on anything.
  • Not a damn thing

    I refuse to diet. I refuse to eat a salad when everyone else is eating gravy & biscuits.

    I refuse to sip water during football...

    Moderation & portion control & you dont HAVE to give up a thing! If you deprive yourself, you are only setting yourself up for failure. Learn how to eat PROPERLY or live miserable in a bowl of greens for the rest of your life!

    just my opinion, and its working for me. =)

    If this were Facebook, I'd 'like' this comment like crazy!

    The only thing I try to cut out is red meat, but that's just because I don't feel as good when I eat it. Otherwise, it's all about moderation and moving. If you can control your portions, then you've won 1/2 the battle. You won't drop it as fast as fad diets, but you're going to keep it off longer because you're teaching yourself control.

    Eat less, move more!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    People who have had the misfortune to look at my diary would say that I haven't given up anything, but that's not true. Pancakes, Captain Crunch, and deep dish pizza. That's my whole list tho. I'm at McDonald's 6x a week, with stops at Taco Bell and KFC on the regular. And gigantic (read: GIGANTIC) cheeseburgers on the regular.

    The three things I gave up not because they were bad, but because I couldn't find a way to get them in while still eating enough protein and fiber and not go over. Oh, and I didn't give up pizza, just deep dish. Thin crust pizza keeps the party going!
  • Marksman21
    Marksman21 Posts: 126 Member
    My case was a bit reversed, I actually had to ADD foods to lose weight. Granted, working with a budget, I guess I can see why I was eating only so much.

    That said, though, I'm under reccommendation to drop soda to just a few times as an endulgance (good bye, Dr, Pepper). I mostly dealt in diet sodas, all due to the 0 calorie intake, but it would force me to keep water weight for a while or worse. Trade off is, I need to start hunting for an alternative, multiple bottles of crystal light only go so far. XD
  • sarasmiles124
    sarasmiles124 Posts: 138 Member
    I cut down on pasta's. When I do eat them, I eat wholewheat. Pasta for me though is a huge trigger food, so I try and avoid it if I can. Soda is definitely another one, chocolate bars......I was a junk food queen. It's been tough, but it is doable.