Foods you had to cut out of diet to lose weight?



  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Cheetos. :sad:
  • xXKatrinaXx
    Cut out everything processed. Cut out all my favorite junk foods - ice cream, soda, candy, in and out burger... you name it...

    I try to eat strictly 100% clean and healthy. Ive tried allowing myself cheat meals but always feel like *kitten* afterwards so decided I dont even like cheating.

    It was very very hard stopping to eat my favorite foods...but after a while, I have grown to love eating %100 clean and healthy :)
  • abdavison1
    I have found that even when it comes time for my cheat meal, I don't want the things I used to want and find myself making better choices.
  • amybeth83
    amybeth83 Posts: 29 Member
    I had to cut out things I couldn't control myself around, ie: Almonds. I don't think it's necessary to cut any one thing out, but if there are things you can't stop eating once you start, I'd cut those out for the time being.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I haven't cut anything out of my diet entirely. I've actually increased the variety of foods that I eat since I started losing weight and eating healthier. I just enjoy things in moderation and some things less frequently than I did before.

    This sums it up for me.

    Me too!
  • thebrianmo
    Are there foods that you feel have to be cut out of diet to lose weight? Like I had to cut sodas out it was hard but I did it....I am just looking to see if there is anything else I should cut that I havent thought about wanted to see what others had to cut out.

    Fast foods, pizza, pasta, candy, desserts (unless they are sugar and mostly carb free, pop, even diet pop is bad. Basically I go low carb, high protein and drink plenty of water and I've lost 91 pounds in just under 2 months. Best wishes for success on your journey.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    sugar, wheat,milk, legumes, dairy, processed anything.
  • kiittenforever
    kiittenforever Posts: 479 Member
    All meat but fish

    Booze :(



    Juice and soda

    All restaurant/fast foods..stuff I don't prepare

    Dairy is next..
  • dena789
    dena789 Posts: 164 Member
    I heard that..(edited)... are all bad for you. My nephew buys the grass-fed meats at the specialty market because it doesn't have the undigested grains in the meat.

    Undigested grains in the meat?? You gotta be pulling my leg!

    I have not made any food off limits. If I truly want it, I can have it so long as it fits my daily calorie goals. I have had a few days when I went over on my calories but that's only human. I still eat red meat, potatoes, pasta, nuts etc but in smaller portions than what I used to. Those huge portions are how I got to be overweight.

    I have become more used to what a ``normal`` serving size looks like on my plate. I`m not filling my plate with as much as it will hold. Did you know that regular dinner plate sizes have gone from 8 inch plates in the 60`s and prior to 10 or 12 inch plates today. At the same time, obesity rates have increased by similar percentages. My biggest adjustment so far has been to my eyes!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    When I started, I cut out a lot of my trigger foods: chips, really buttery microwave popcorn, sodas. It took me a while to reintroduce those items into my diet and feel like I had control over my eating habits with them. I pretty much have what I want now (pre-pregnancy), and I got pretty good at the moderation thing, but it took me over a year to get to that point.
  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    So far I've had to cut out bread, I loved sandwiches too much.
    Crisps as well. It took some months, but I got there and now I don't really think about those foods :)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I haven't had to cut any food out to lose weight. I stopped baking for a while to reduce temptation, but I'm doing that again now. Portion control FTW.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Bread,rice,corn, pasta and potatoes. Simple sugars . Fried anything. I gave up fruit for the first 30 pounds , then added one serving a day till I lost 10 more pounds, I am up to about two servings a day now that I am on maintenance/stabilization.
  • ladyshellbelle
    ladyshellbelle Posts: 98 Member
    alcohol, I have changed my drink to gin and diet tonic... in a tall glass with lime and ice... 57 win.. though I do have the occasional beer on a warm day :)
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    Crisps (that's chips to the people in the US) and sugar in my tea & coffee. I have 0.25 of a tsp in my first coffee of the day, and that's it.
    Reduce cheese and beer.

    I don't like soda so that's not been an issue for me. I also avoid fruit juice to lose weight, but will start drinking it again when I'm at the weight I want to be and maintaining.
  • Nitabug36
    Nitabug36 Posts: 65 Member
    Sweet tea!!!!
    I really just try to eat the right serving size, don't really good taking away things!!!
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    The leftover food on my 4yr old son's plate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a baaaaad happy of this. oh you didn't like the rice...I'll finish it before I clean the dishes. I realized after gaining 10 lbs since I had him that this is the cause. Now he just gives me his plate and tells me that he doesn't like something and I can eat it. :(
  • aallegri
    I've cut sugar, all wheat, dairy, processed food, starches like corn and potatoes, and alcohol. It's only been 5 weeks, but so far so good. :-)
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    alcohol and doritos
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    cakes and candy. :(