salgal33 Member


  • wow, you are really doing it! It shows in your smiles! :)
  • Rock on Beautiful!
  • Poster by my equipment: "If you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done."
  • I always ask for double veggies instead of a starchy side (fries, mashed, rice etc)
  • yes, you need a plan of action! I had the same excuse for years because I traveled for work. (can't cook in a hotel room, right?) It took (and takes) planning. For example, yesterday I got up early and made stuffed peppers with ground turkey, vegetarian chili and butternut squash soup. It took me about 3 hours from start…
  • I find a good sugar fix for me is a little container of Italian ice. (luigi's) It is 100 calories and because its frozen, it takes me about 15 minutes to eat. By that time I feel like I have conquered my sugar craving. It's super simple to make your own too! I use my Vitamix, with ice and whatever fruit I have on hand.…
  • Ellie I am 46 and struggling with peri-menopause....weight gain being part of that struggle. Feel free to add me if you like! :)
  • I too have had the ultra for 2 years. I wear it every day. I clip it to my bra because I found it slipped off too easily on my waist. I love knowing how many steps I've taken and mine also has the altimeter to count flights of stairs. THAT is awesome. I did a 9/11 challenge last year and climbed 110 flights of stairs. If…
  • HI there! I suggest going to Houlihans website and deciding before you go what you will order. in addition to that, I just did a quick search on MFP and a whole host of menu items came up. I just typed in Houlihans (only) try searching multiple options to give you some idea of where you want to be calorie-wise and also…
  • HI all, I have been a fairly faithful MFP member (lately!) I have been logging my food pretty religiously for about 2 months. I also have a FitBit that I enjoy very much. What I don't have is a support network. I really could use some "pals" My "real-life" friends I tell about MFP don't seem to get it or aren't interested.…