i need a weight loss buddy

franfran1821 Posts: 288 Member
im 25 and weight 150. I just want to get down to 130. I recently was 145 and was able to lose 8 because i joined a fit club and went to work out there twice a week. now i am too busy to work out much and my boyfriend is very thin. he can eat whatever he wants and stays small. since i started back with night classes and still working a full time job, all i eat is fast food, especially on the weekends and at night with my boyfriend. we are both just too tired to go grocery shopping for an hour and then go back home to cook a meal. i was wondering if anyone with the same delimma as me can work me through this. after i lost that 8 pounds i gained it back plus more. my pants dont fit and a literally feel depressed. now i need to lose 20 instead of 15


  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    Hi there! I work full time in a hospital and I'm also a full time student. I totally get how tough it is to muster up the motivation to go to the store. Feel free to add me and we can support each other :)
  • Piercey_24
    Piercey_24 Posts: 40 Member
    I 150 n wanna get to 125! Add me we can support one another
  • TRIX5884
    TRIX5884 Posts: 318 Member
    I feel you with the feeling stressed, having "no time", being overwhelmingly busy, ect. I have 5 kids and my other half, I work full time and i have an hour commute to work and an hour commute from work. My life is a roller coaster whirlwind.....BUT - I MAKE time. I know it's always "easier said than done" - but trust me - if it's worth it to you - truly worth it - you have to carve out the time to make these changes in your life. Get up an hour earlier - or suck it up and go to bed an hour later. Even if you do SOMETHING for 30 minutes a day - it can make the world of difference. I have every excuse and reason in the book not to get a workout in every single day......but 9/10 - I get on in. Be persistent - positive and take every minute you can. Can't do much during the week? Kick *kitten* on the weekends. i still have a ways to go on my journey - feel free to add me!! I will encourage and motivate you as much as I possibly can!
  • mariluny
    mariluny Posts: 428 Member
    I'm 27, work full time and go to school at night as well. What a nightmare to fit in social life, school work, cooking, cleaning, etc...

    The best tactic that worked for me so far is too take half a day on the week-end, buy a lot of food for the entire week and then come back home and cook while doing other things. Making soup enough for 6 meals really takes you 30 minutes of chopping and than you leave it be for 1 hour on the stove but you can do other thing. Cook a chicken (it takes maybe 15 minutes to prepare and you forget it in the oven for 2 hours) and that's another 4 to 8 meals depending on how you eat it after ward. I always cook so much food on the week-end, freeze everything and i'm good for most of the week.
  • stephanieharms1290
    stephanieharms1290 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi! :)

    I totally feel your pain. I am 25 years old work full day's and still go to school. I always wish there were more hours in a day, but unfortunately we have to work with what we have. Before I got seriously intense with my workout journey, I think I loved my sleep more than anyone I knew. There are sacrifices we all have to make, and I promise you, the results are the best rewards!

    I would suggest setting aside one day on the weekends to do your food shopping. (If you can spare the extra $10-$15 dollars PEAPOD or Shopite From home are wonderful things!!! :) ) Once you get home, I would prep your meals for the next 3 days. This way, you really only to find time twice a week for major cooking. I came to find this worked best for my schedule, because who wants to come home and cook every single night!

    Anyway, please feel free to add me, and I will absolutely help with whatever you need.

    I have lost close to 40 lbs int he past two a half years, and got down to 130 with lean muscle. I never in a million years thought I could do it. Nothing is better than support around you. Every day is a struggle, but I promise it is worth that every extra half hour you have to wake up.
  • coaoalo
    coaoalo Posts: 104 Member
    I'm 27, work full time and go to school at night as well. What a nightmare to fit in social life, school work, cooking, cleaning, etc...

    The best tactic that worked for me so far is too take half a day on the week-end, buy a lot of food for the entire week and then come back home and cook while doing other things. Making soup enough for 6 meals really takes you 30 minutes of chopping and than you leave it be for 1 hour on the stove but you can do other thing. Cook a chicken (it takes maybe 15 minutes to prepare and you forget it in the oven for 2 hours) and that's another 4 to 8 meals depending on how you eat it after ward. I always cook so much food on the week-end, freeze everything and i'm good for most of the week.

    This advice can be spread out for everything. Even if you cook during the week then make 3x what you need. Freeze the rest. The extra time chopping veg/ whatever will be worth it in the long run and eventually you'll have so many meals in the freezer that you can take a break for a little while :)
  • salgal33
    salgal33 Posts: 49 Member
    yes, you need a plan of action! I had the same excuse for years because I traveled for work. (can't cook in a hotel room, right?)
    It took (and takes) planning.
    For example, yesterday I got up early and made stuffed peppers with ground turkey, vegetarian chili and butternut squash soup. It took me about 3 hours from start to cleanup.
    I put all in individual servings in freezer.
    I get nuts and put in single serving sizes
    I snack on light string cheese a couple times a week
    I always have a water bottle with me
    I almost always have an apple with me.
    I find Cliff bars to be very satisfying about an hour before I work out.
    I pack spinach in individual containers as well as toppings in containers for each day of the week.
    I make plenty of hardboiled eggs to grab.
    cucumber salad is a friend of mine.

    These are a few ideas of go-to bites. I hope it helps!

    Make good choices for your future!