

  • Yeah. 1 cup of cooked white rice is about 200 calories.
  • Hey, What is it that is causing the weekend troubles? There seem to be two obvious problems: family/social commitments that usually involve not-good eating, OR boredom that leads to unscheduled and unhealthy eating. We can offer better advice if you give us some more detail about what is going on. :)
  • ^ Right on, sister.
  • I have trouble with night-time snacking too. There are a bunch of hours between dinner and bed... I find that the solution is to PLAN your snack. Don't wait until you get hungry and then wander into the kitchen. Plan in advance what you will have as your last snack of the day. There are lots of healthy options: an apple or…
  • I third the advice about seeing a doctor/nutritionist. If you're not going to do that though, you need to start increasing your calories. Perhaps increase them by 100 daily each week until you get to AT LEAST 1200. You seem to have in mind that 1200 is "normal" and that "dieting" requires you to drop below 1200. However,…
  • I'd actually like to see more specifics about what you're eating. It sounds like you need a little bit more fat and more protein--your body can handle quite a bit of it and it will keep you full longer. I think the fruit might be part of your problem. You seem to be eating a lot of it. This can be an individual thing, but…
  • All natural Greek yogurt really is the best but it is more expensive. I live in the Pacific NW and we have a yogurt brand, Nancy's, that is all natural, no junky additives, lots of live cultures, etc. I buy the big tubs of the plain Nancy's low fat and, when I want Greek, make it myself. If you strain regular yogurt…
  • That's not good. I think there are probably two possible problems: you're eating too many calories or you're not eating enough calories. Which do you think it is?
  • My calorie allotment is higher than 1200, fwiw. I've done 1200 calories in the past and I don't think I can do it again. I'd rather take a bit more time and not starve! I think the deal with 1200 is that nutritionists have come to agree that 1200 calories is the minimum number a person can eat while still getting the…
  • There's a conversion calculator here: 600 kj = 143 cals
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