Avoiding the Midnight Munchies

Hey people,

I just wondered if anyone has any tips or ideas on how to avoid snacking urges late at night or after bed. During the day I'm really disciplined but come night time I just want to raid the fridge and cupboards. It's my total downfall, anything from chocolate bars to crisps and even chunks of cheese, whatever I can find. I really want to stop but how?

Thanks for any help and advice.


  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    The best way is not to keep anything tempting in the house. That way if you really really really want something you can get it when you're out, but you'll be kept from being tempted to eat a whole box of something or eat snacks just because they're there. Just don't buy any extra goodies at all when you grocery shop. If you have kids or someone else that wants them, have someone else hide them really, really well.

    Also people say don't eat after a certain hour but i find that going to bed hungry isn't a good idea for this reason. Eating dinner later or having a low fat snack before bed helps me sleep and keeps me from getting insane cravings if I can't sleep (but YMMV on this).
  • Alifresh
    Alifresh Posts: 15 Member
    Drink a lot of water during the day and when you think your hungry but know your not. Drinking a lot of water helps curbs your appitite and if you really hate the taste of water drink tea or get those drink mix's on the go to give your water some flavor. It really helped me from being in the fridge past 10.
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    I like to chew gum when water isn't enough to stop my cravings. If the water and gum aren't working then I'm truly hungry and I'll pick a light healthy snack like fruit or veggies.
  • TomLyle321
    I can identify with you. What I have done is not get rid of all my chocolate, or snacks. I have portion controlled everything, and eat many small snacks. My major meals, like lunch and dinner do fill me up, and help fight the cravings, for awhile at least. I'm on my computer a lot, which eats up time fasted then a cat on a hot tin roof. But, I know what my calorie intake is. For example, Rold Gold Pretzel twists. I could sit there and eat the whole bag in 1 or 2 sittings, or throughout the day, but not anymore. I decided that the 17 pretzels per serving @ 110 calories was not enough for me. So I decided on 30 pretzels @ about 200 calories was just fine for a snack. So, rather then pluck the pretzels out and count them each time I want some, I do it all ahead of time, so the whole bag sitting there will not tempt me. I get some zip lock bags, mark them up saying 200 calories on the bag, and fill them all ahead of time. Now, as I am watching TV at night, I have a bag of 200 calorie pretzels, and I eat them slowly, savoring each pretzel, and eating them slowly as if they would be my last. I also have a big bag of fudgecicles in the freezer, at 90 calories a pop, or a big bowl of Lite Popcorn from Safeway @ 320 calories. The key is track everything, set your goals, and reward yourself at night when you have the munchies. Also Clausen pickles are only 5 calories, but that darn sodium. You can do it, but you will not be perfect. They'll be slips every now and then, but don't beat yourself up, as you are human, and you love food. That is just the way it goes sometimes, 2 steps forward and 1 step back, or it could be 2 or even 3 steps back. Don't dismay, just stay focused, and with time all things shall be accomplished. All it takes is a little faith and believing in the possibilities of attaining your goal.
    Enough of my rambling, so have a good evening. Or morning?
    Take care and chat soon.
    Good night and good luck!

    Best wishes always,
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    some people try chewing gum, also maybe eat popcorn you can munch on alot for not very many calories. Only keep healthy lowfat low calorie snacks in the house
  • TomLyle321
    And I keep low calorie snacks around, like those 100 Nabisco snacks, and other food companies make them too. I also have light yogurt in the frig, like Yoplait. Sort of like their commercial, I like the Boston Creme yogurt. Anyhow, I do agree, night-time is tough. I also chew gum all day long. My freaking jaw muscles have bulked up pretty well.
    Anyhow, the folks have given you some ideas on what works for them, so all you have to do is figure out what works for you. I know some say get rid of everything, but that is what works for them. To me, a chocoholic, I need to have something chocolate in the house. That doesn't mean I have to eat it everyday, but it's here if I have a craving, which are real, both physiologically and psychologically. I have a package of those chocolate striped cookies, and my fudgecicles. I could go days without touching them, but they are there, just like Linus'es blanket.
    Take care you all, and good night, really!
    Best wishes always,
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    I agree with not keeping anything bad in the house....when I get hungry at night, usually I just snack on ice chips. :)
  • anantbir
    anantbir Posts: 2 Member
    hi, I was having the same problem too. My trainer had me track my food and said I was not getting enough protein. I started eating more protein during the day . At night I have cottage cheese with pineapple if I get hungry or want something at night. It has been working. Hope this helps as I know I was so frustrated too.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Nothing wrong with late night snacks, provided you have the caloreis for them and you choose the right food. I like filling a glass with natural yogurt, then adding some berries and LF granola. Used to add tsp of honey but it was too sweet. If you have to get that crunch feeling for a snack, the granola does that. or i'll have a chocolate flavoured protein milk shake. Cottage cheese and a little tuna on lettuce leaves with some chopped peppers...i'd personally stay away from the popcorn, high carb value and no nutrition. and the 100 calories packs can be ok, as long as it's not chips ahoy garbage, and more like trail mix. good luck!
  • baffled111
    I have trouble with night-time snacking too. There are a bunch of hours between dinner and bed...

    I find that the solution is to PLAN your snack. Don't wait until you get hungry and then wander into the kitchen. Plan in advance what you will have as your last snack of the day. There are lots of healthy options: an apple or crackers with peanut butter, microwave popcorn, an ounce of really good dark chocolate, some yogurt, etc. I think the trick is just to decide that in advance and serve it to yourself like a meal.

    And then, self-discipline until your body gets used to it...
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Willpower! You want to lose weight? Stop raid snacking!! it's what contributed to your weight gain, so it has to go!

    But its made a whole lot easier if you eat protein and zero processed food or white carbs. Cut them out and mad cravings will stop.

    Drink more water.

    Eat dinner later.

    Go sleep earlier.

    Measure and account for A snack after dinner.

    Good luck - nobody said it was easy! :flowerforyou:
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I basically close the kitchen once I've finished dinner and have done the dishes. The light is off and it's closed. Granted, this is hard since my bathroom is off of the kitchen and I have to walk through it to put the bird to bed. But after about a month of just telling myself "the kitchen is closed after dinner", my body has for the most part adjusted. (Though as I type this, I'm feeling hungry...but it's already been my splurge day and I'm about 200 calories over even my exercise cals which I almost never eat all of. Plus I'm really tired so probably going ot be a geek and go to bed really soon and I hate going to bed with food in my stomach.)
  • sgssmile
    I plan a low cal snack but don't always use it. Some of my favorites are..... weight watchers fudge ice cream bar... yum or I ALWAYS keep the 100 calorie packets of snacks like pretzels or cookies. When I am really being good I will have a small apple or fruit of some kind. I find if I plan for a snack I am more apt to not eat it or eat it and don't feel guilty as I already put it into my daily plan. I was a BIG time night snacker, I also always keep a bottle of water next to my bed, sometimes that is enough. Good luck, you will figure out what works for you.

  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    Yeah also the guy with the low calorie snacks measured out is very smart–those mini microwave popcorns and little rice cakes (they come in chocolate and other tasty flavors) are good. raw almonds are good too, they have a few more calories but tons of protein and a handful fills you up. Not sure if "planning" a snack would work for me because I'm pretty compulsive and I think I'd watch the clock and obsess about it.

    One thing, the people who mentioned chewing gum, that actually is supposed to make you hungrier, it stimulates your salivary glands. Just what I've heard. But if it works to just chew on something then it's good. Also smoke a couple of cigarettes. Just kidding.