Feeling Discouraged

So I've been on MFP for a few weeks now and I work out every day and I don't go over my calories anymore. I'm drinking my water, I'm snacking better BUT I don't feel any results. :( I have lost maybe 2 and a half lbs. My husband started before me (on a different site) and has lost almost 20lbs. I don't want to give up, but it's getting frustrating.


  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    First off, dont compare your womanly weight loss to that of a man. Men lose weight like crazy, and if he is low carbing, hes going to lose it even crazier!

    Keep coming here, keep posting, keep logging, keep drinking that water and doing that exercise and the pounds will come off. What kind of exercise are you doing? I'm starting a 'hot yoga' program this weekend. They crank up the heat to 105 degrees and you do yoga for 90 minutes! How awesome does that sound? I'm so excited, and after seeing a woman I work with slim right on down and become limber like our little elementary school aged daughters, I'm stoked to get started. Perhaps adding a new strategy to your established routine might help kick your mood into a better place?
  • baffled111
    That's not good. I think there are probably two possible problems: you're eating too many calories or you're not eating enough calories.

    Which do you think it is?
  • ATJune
    ATJune Posts: 89 Member
    Hey! Hang in there... men lose weight much faster!!!:) My husband can drop those pounds with no effort!!!:) dnt be discouraged ... stick with the plan:) tc!
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Are you logging your exercise based on what MFP tells you? Or do you have a HRM that tells you more accurately what you've burned? I ask because MFP tends to way over-estimate calories burned for many exercises. Just a thought...
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Try not to feel disouraged as you've done well to get this far. Also try not to compare yourself to others, we're all different. Just stick with it, I know that's the last thing you wan to hear but persistence pays off. Also I looked at your food diary and it seems you eat fast food often, try your best to avoid it as much as you can.

    I know you say you're drinking your water but maybe you're not getting enough (according to your food diary)????:smile:

    One alternative would be to try and eat little and often every 3ish hours. Not full meals just a protein based mini meal, this really helps to speed up metabolism.

    Don't give up, the weight will drop off before you know it.
  • Helent26
    Helent26 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, i was thinking that maybe as you have been working out quite regularly, the 2lb weight loss could be down to the fact that muscle weighs more than fat. So while you will be loosing body fat you will be increasing your muscle mass, so on scales you weight may not change for this reason. One way that will help you to see if it is to do with this is if you take your body measurements, say weekly or fortnightly, you will see the measurements decrease. You can add your measurements on this site when you weigh yourself - you can also add measurements yourself like your thighs or whatever area you want.

    Also maybe you are eating too many carbs or sugars or fats. You can change the percentage of each on this site - i think it may come under tools and goals. There is also a website that may help you to determin the amount of carbs you need to help you loose weight and then you can use this to adjust you goals on here. The site is http://www.calculator.net/weight-loss-calculator.html it has a carbohydrate calculator amongst others.

    Hope this helps. Good luck :flowerforyou: Helen x
  • lavender11
    lavender11 Posts: 18 Member
    Boys always seem to loose weight way quicker (so not fair).

    All i can think of is

    1) Are you eating enough fruit and veg? Were supposed to eat 5 portions a day. My own personal rule is i can only have choc or something sweet/sugary after i achieved this but often once I've eaten the fruit or veg i dont want/need them.

    2) Drinking enough water ( I freely admit i dont drink enough :embarassed: I need to work on this!)

    3) Are you eating enough starchy carbs rather than sugary ones?

    Try not to be disheartened ( I know that this is way easier said than done) but you will succeed!!! xx

    ps i like this chart to help me figure out what a portion is


  • freebirdsnsc
    freebirdsnsc Posts: 56 Member
    You didnt mention the type of exercise....I have found when I follow up with 3 days of rotating upper and body weight training work outs a week and three days of cardio a week ( you can walk though every day) Making healthy food choices 5 times a day ( thats breakfast snack lunch snack supper then pushing to hit between 1300 and 1500 calories a day .

    The results can be amazing

    Dont get discouraged. you didnt put the weight on over night and its not going to come off over night. Also work on the mental aspect/attitude of your journey

    1 Dont compare yourself to anyone else its not a competition

    2 Losing weight is not about dieting because diets fail

    Its about a life style change that will help keep you looking and feeling your very best.

    Hang in there you can do it
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Melissa, everyone has pretty much said what I would and asked the same questions. Just know I'm here for ya as is Kelly. I'm sure she has felt discouraged a time or two, and I did too, in the beginning, remember, you just started out, you may not see results right away, and you also don't have too much to lose, so it will take a little longer and more effort. Hang in there and remember why you came here in the first place :)
  • mkandell7
    The only fast food I eat is either subway or the mcdonalds snack wrap, and that's when my husband wants it. And the snack wrap is 340 calories. I have had a burger with my parents, but I try to work out more when I know I'm going to be eating out.
  • mkandell7
    Also, I am doing Couch to 5K 3 times a week. I do yoga every day. I walk every day. I also do Wii Strength training and I've starting doing push ups and crunches. I am drinking 8+ cups a day and 1 soda. I probably need to up my fruit and veggie intake, but I do not like cooked veggies (not even streamed). Is MFP not an accurate place to track calories? Someone said they over estimate....
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    I know you said you have been at it for a 'few weeks' which to me is 2-3. If that is the case, then 2.5 lbs is a good loss. As the others have said, do not compare your weight loss to your husband's. There are a lot of factors at play that keep you from being weight loss equals.

    Keep doinf what you are doing. See this as a means to a healthier you. I am right with you; I wish my weight loss was going faster. But I know I am making healthy changes is my life. While the scale only says 4lbs in two weeks (and I have a whole lot more to looses than you), I know that I can now complete the Shred DVD (level 1) and I only did it 4 times. The first time I tried to jog, I could only do two intervals of 60 seconds and I thought I was going to keel over. In the two short weeks, I and getting more fit even if not on the scale.

    I looked at your food diary and you may want to track your sodium. I am finding that there are days that I take in more than I should (which can cause water retention on weigh day) and had no idea that some foods were so high in sodium.

    Keep up the good work!