shaylasade Member


  • Awesome results! I'm amazed by the major difference in your midsection. You make me want to start 30DS today and I think I will :-)
  • You are such an inspiration. You have done an amazing job and I'm so happy you have won your health and mobility back.
  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Golden Girls. I watch the reruns EVERYDAY!!! lol I can't go to sleep without a few good laughs from that show. My favorite characters are Rose and Sophia. I don't even have a favorite episode. They all make me laugh so hard!! :-) I love Rose's St. Olaf stories and Sophia's wisecracks and stories about…
  • I want to lose another 60 to 80 pounds. I recently lost 23 pounds. I still have a long way to go, but it's the most weight I have ever lost so I have found it difficult to keep pushing myself instead of continuing to push to the finish line. Any suggestions?
  • You look amazing!!! Great job!!!
  • Sheesh. You guys are good. I'm the slacker that barely eats 1200 calories a day (except on cheat days). My appetite just isn't what it used to be lol so I really have to push myself to get to those 1200 calories most days. It has been working for me, I lost 15 pounds in about 4 weeks. No weight loss this week, but then…
  • Great goals for the week. I got off to a good start, but I have really been slacking the last two weeks. Now I have to make up for it. I'm going to try to push myself to lose 4 pounds by next weigh in day!
  • I'm 5'4 and currently about 232 pounds. I have lost about 15 pounds in the past month or so, so I don't plan on being this weight much longer. Amen!
  • What workouts have you guys done to target back fat? It's a big problem area for me. I have focused mainly on cardio for the past month and I see the weight coming off, but I think I need to do more to get this back fat and belly fat off. Any suggestions?
  • There's nothing wrong with letting your body rest a little. Especially if you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon!
  • SW: 239.4 lbs W1- 237.8 W2- 233.4 Total loss- 6 lbs
  • My daily caloric goal is only 1320 calories, so I really don't have many free calories to splurge on snacks. My go to snacks include: 1 serving of sugar free smoothies - 100-220 calories depending on which kind I get 1 serving of dry fruity cheerios - 100 calories ...the whole grains in them tend to keep me satisfied until…
  • I'm traveling for work this weekend starting today. I won't have access to a scale until Tuesday morning :-( SN: I killed the challenges yesterday. I had more than a gallon of water, I got all of the pushups in AND I had more than 1 serving of fruit. I had an orange for breakfast and a fruit smoothie with my dinner.…
  • I am soooo tired of water lol ...I'm doing good though. I've already had 14 cups of water and I haven't even done my evening workout and had dinner yet. I had fruit for breakfast. I'll be leaving work in about an hour and I'll be able to do the push ups. Yaaaayyy!!! So am I lame because I don't own any workout DVD's except…
  • Yesterday was terrible for me. I didn't get any fruit in, the push ups sucked, and I didn't quite drink a gallon of water. I'm usually really good about drinking water too. *sigh* But anyhoo, today is going much better. I got the fruit in (with a sugar free smoothie), does that count? On my lunch break I managed to walk a…
  • If you still need more calories, but don't necessarily have an appetite, try drinking the Naked fruit smoothies with no sugar added. I use those when I'm way under my calorie goal, plus they are really tasty
  • I'm looking forward to this. I need all the support I can get. SW: 239.4 (YIKES!!!!) GW:199 (by the end of the challenge) I'm not sure if my GW by the end of the challenge is realistic, but I'm going to set the bar high so I can really push myself.
  • You don't even look like the same person. You look so much younger and happier! Great job! Keep up the good work and you WILL reach your goal!!!
  • I try to work out 3 to 4 days a week. I switch it up each time. This past week I focused on strength training for about 45 minutes with 60 to 120 second cardio bursts between every 2 sets. Then I wrap up with another 15 minutes of pure cardio. On days I don't do strength training, I will normally walk/jog a couple miles or…
  • Sorry, I don't know how to get the pictures to show, but you look amazing!!! Keep up the good work hun!!!!
  • I have been struggling with weight loss all my life. I'm new to MFP and I can use all the support I can get. Please friend me!!!
  • Houston, Texas
  • Try pistachio's, dry cereal, yogurt, and fruit