Hey Fat Girl....



  • badkitty12486
    badkitty12486 Posts: 9 Member
    This is an awesome blog, I have been there and will be there everyday walking the track. I used to be uncomfortable sometimes, not anymore, this blog made me even more comfortable walking the track, thanks.
  • Thanks for the posting...I'm preparing to do a 5k in September and cringe every time I think about going out for a run...nice change of perspective for my "I'm too big to be doing this" moments.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    This is awesome!! Thanks for the post!!
    BEMND Posts: 33
    Srsly cried this is awesome! I will hold my head high now when I the fat girl jog :) Thanks for posting doll!

    This made me cry, too. I finish my 5k training in a few weeks & our race is June 30th.
    Thank you!
  • jlove720
    jlove720 Posts: 20 Member
    I have always been the "fat girl," and I sadly just accepted it until at the age of 29 I had ACL replacement surgery and then a hemmorhagic stroke a little over a month later. I love going to the gym. I love just shooting hoops, walking on the treadmill (maybe one day I'll run) and plugging in my headphones and watchign a game or sitcom; anything to work up a sweat. Even when I'm exhausted I force myself to go because I feel like if I skip it's like being in college. Once you skip a class, it's that much easier to skip another. This was extremely touching and I have tears in my eyes here at my desk at work. Thank you so much. SHOUT OUT TO ALL THE FAT GIRLS OUT THERE!!!
  • kmel2479
    kmel2479 Posts: 102 Member
    This was so true for me yesterday... I am no where near my GW and only at week 5 on C25K but ran in my first 5k. I was nervous that I would be horrified with people watching or that they would laugh at me when I couldn't keep up. I was so relieved and inspired to realize that everyone was so encouraging and kind. There was an overall positive energy that I felt I was feeding off of, the little kids at the side of the road cheering would stick their hands out to slap as you went by. I felt like I was a super star lumbering along at the slow pace that is comfortable for me right now!! It's all about your own attitude. The crowd was so encouraging to keep up the good work and I had a real sense of pride in myself for one of the first times in my life. No need to hang that head!! Keep it high even if you don't believe in yourself just yet. Fake it till you make it as they say!!!!!
  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member
    I... love this. Cuz for a lot of people who have a good amount of extra weight that they are carying... this is seriously how we feel. It's really nice to be reminded of the fact that others don't look down on heavy people who are exercising - it's the opposite.

    I can't wait till I finish C25K and I'm all red and sweaty and panting from successfully jogging 5K... Then I can totally remind myself how awesome I am; and then I'll think about this post... awwwww!!!!...:heart:
  • anna1287
    anna1287 Posts: 9
    That's awesome! Running from one telephone pole to the next and then walking for two is exactly where I am right now. In a few months I will be where you are. :) Good luck on your marathon!
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I totally have tears in my eyes.. Thank you. I'm on week 5 of C25K and felt so proud of myself after doing it today. I'm just now really realizing what a huge emotional journey I'm on.
  • valadees
    valadees Posts: 16 Member
    I am so saving this for a lazy day! Thank you for posting!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • c22cooper
    c22cooper Posts: 4
    This is really helping me today. I have been starting to get really serious about loosing weight and I have been having a hard couple of days. It seems like I can do well on a short stretch of a few days and then I break and end up eating a ridiculous amount of taco bell or some other completely disgusting food.

    My mind is wandering and I am so bored and hungry today at work. This really helped me! Can't wait to get off work so I can go work out!!!
  • shaylasade
    shaylasade Posts: 28 Member
  • Ceffy
    Ceffy Posts: 235
    Just :heart:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    :flowerforyou: That was an awesome post!! I don't run but I go to gym and I used to not look people in the eye. But now I talk to ones and members of they gym are very encouraging indeed!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.:flowerforyou:
  • lbecker5
    lbecker5 Posts: 33 Member
    LIKE LIKE LIKE :happy:
  • Smudjie
    Smudjie Posts: 126 Member
    Amazing and I love it :) hats off to the author :)
  • Nightlotus
    Nightlotus Posts: 14
    I love this.
  • Damn this made my cry, i relate fully to this im thinking about doing the couch to 5k but im kinda embarassed about going out in public to do it, im 234.6lbs, im thinking of doing it on the spot to start and get some guts to actually venture out hehe, thanks for posting its made me feel a whole lot better :) x
  • tmarie4
    tmarie4 Posts: 34 Member
    love that!