Without You - Motley Crue
Meijer and sometimes Sam's Club, when my buddy comes over.
Try a Banana with Peanut Butter. It's a great snack and PB packs a walloping 200 cals per 2 TB. Equals out to about a 320 calorie snack or more, I've probably had 500 calorie ones.
Baked boneless, skinless Chicken tenders, wrapped in Bacon.
Dannon Strawberry with a Tablespoon of Jiff Natural PB.
I've done quite a few 2k+ and 3k+ burns. I don't know how one has a crazy calorie deficit and then does large amounts of exercise. I usually do about 250 - 500 calories over maintenance on days I burn 1k+ in calories. Plan on biking in Chicago on Sunday. Around 40 miles. Going to Giordano's to make up for it. :)
I'm losing about 2 lbs a week eating a very high fat diet even the feared "Saturated" variety. Through 2 years of dieting, I've figured out what works best for me. I can either have a high carb, moderate protein and low fat diet, or I can do high fat, moderate protein and low carb. I prefer the ladder. I don't think any…
Employee Of The Month.
Ninja Assassin.
4.7 pounds down in 2 weeks. Open Diary, check it out.
My only guess is significant water retention. Try drinking lots of water to flush it out, then hopefully you'll be back to normal.
I'm actually not quite as strict as the typical LCHF. I'm currently toying around with it a bit and seem to be doing well. The other day I had around 150 carbs. On days I ride my bike or go to the gym I'll simply have more carbs but on days where I'm sedentary, there's really no need for access carbs. For dinner today I…
Think of it what you want but how about some credibility here? As one that use to weigh 415 pounds and is now around 240. Don't believe me, look at the before and after in my profile.
To each their own. Remember what works for one person doesn't always work for somebody else and the leaner you are the more carbs you need. I'm about 40 pounds from my goal and seem to do better without them. Believe me I've tried almost everything to keep the carbs in my diet but this seems to be the only thing that keeps…
You should try it. Ok the first few days are hell but after a while it's liberating. Best of all I'm not so damn hungry all the time. I take amino acid supplements and pre-workouts. Motivation in the gym is not a problem. Sure I miss Pizza, Ice Cream and Peanut Buter Cups but not at the cost of how I feel since going LCHF.
- Been on this for about 2 weeks and it's awesome.
When you purchase the smaller size clothes and then wear them - the weightloss comments drop like rain.
NFL - Pack NCAA - Buckeyes
1. Walking into any store (Other than Casual Male Big & Tall) and not being able to buy a shirt/pant. 2. Not knowing what I weighed (thought I was around 350) and was asked to step on scale at work for Dumpsters. Came up 415 pounds. Co-worker laughed, I laughed too, but It was an embarrassing type of laugh.
I couple Tablespoons of healthy Peanut Butter led to a 1/3rd of the jar (40 oz) unhealthy binge. I can't keep the stuff in the house. Don't even want to know the calorie damage. Lol
The best excuse I heard is I can't afford to go on a diet.
Metal Head here. Metallica, Ozzy, Megadeth, Pantera and even new bands like Bullet For My Valentine.
First one I've seen in the same ballpark as me. I didn't log today but I would say it was somewhere around this with a full pecan pie being most of that. I got beyond full which I usually do on a cheat day. While that might sound bad everytime I do this 26 hours or so pass before I even feel the urge to eat again and with…
What you did is more beneficial for hours after your done. Sometimes all your hard work doesn't show up on the monitor.
Time to bulk. Start lifting and take that physique to the next level!
Amazing Accomp Poster! We're all proud!
Doesn't taste the same. I tried this when it first came out and I couldn't have been more disappointed.
As a struggling Peanut Butter addict and the only way to moderate my Peanut Butter intake is to NOT buy it at all. Trust me, Jiff Natural is as good as it gets. I could literary eat a 3rd of a 40oz jar in 1 sitting. :(
Forgot Stage 2.5 - Not giving up after reaching that almost certain weight loss plateau. :p
Sure if you dehydrated yourself but the weightloss would be temporary and you could easily die.