kellaro4 Member


  • I'm finally going to try to get the most of this app, I have been using it mostly for the diary feature. I have been very successful in losing weight with just the diary before, but after 30 and after life happens it seems like the weight just isn't going to come off as easily as before. I am currently working towards…
  • I know what you mean by this can be difficult alone. My husband is not looking to log everything into fit pal and has tried a few times to exercise with me only to flare up his back injury so it puts me in the by myself category. I like sci fi :) although not a huge dr. Who follower. More like LOTR, Star wars and Sherlock…
    in Friends Comment by kellaro4 January 2014
  • Its keeping the goal the focus instead of the chore. If the gym is not your favorite then its a chore. Its like saying "lets go mop a floor". I dont say "lets go get sexy" but i have mentioned hitting the stairs to "earn me some guilt free brownies". Im a sugar-holic so sometimes brownies really are a great motivation lol.