ashleyemiller14 Member


  • Hey SYSK squad! I'm Ashley, I'm 5' 2" and 163 lbs. I've gained 20lbs in one year alone and as my husband and I start contemplating starting a family, I want to be in good shape for my future kids and my family's health! Ideal weight is 130lbs, but my first goals is to get back down to where I was a year ago, 143 lbs. So…
  • I'm 5'2", just starting out and at 150 lbs. I want to get down to a healthy BMI, but dream weight is 120 lbs. What worked best for you all? What kinds of changes did you make? Cardio vs. strength training? Interested to hear success stories and methods!
  • I just bought one today because my posture at work is so bad. I'll let you know how it works!
  • Burgers, french fries and soda. I hate that my office has ice cold Cokes sitting there right next to my packed lunch. So far I've been able to avoid them, but gracious, they sound so good at 2 p.m. when i'm tired.
  • Hey, I'll be your buddy. I'm 22 too! Let's kick tail!
  • In my opinion, it just depends on how much of a calorie deficit you want. I have a tendency to go over my calorie limit for the day by 50-100 calories, so I do an elliptical workout for 45 minutes that burns an average of 400 calories, so I know I have a calorie deficit even if I go over a tad on my daily calorie count.
  • I've just recently cut creamer out of my me, not an easy transition, totally get that. I was dumping 100+ calories of Bailey's Irish Cream Coffee Creamer into my coffee morning and night. I started using the CoffeeMate fat-free powder, and although it's not sweet, it gives my coffee the creamy taste I want,…
  • August 9! So excited, but definitely want to work off 10 lbs before the big day.